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Saturday, July 15, 2023

Sat Late in the day, so hot/humid

  • Beau had lots of debris on his back, he looked up and sort of smiled at me. There was tons of hay in the ailse. I walked around and gave out some snacks and some cookies to the kids in Beaus aile. I had graded up some hay there was so much hay.
  • I took Beau out pretty much right away to see if he wanted to go into the arena. He came right away very gently just a slight movement and he came slowly and sweetly thought the hay that was all over the ailse. he only stopeped for a moment to grab a bit of hay.
  • The back door was slid closed, and all I needed to do was to put in the wood plank and he was all set to play in the hot barn, the arena was pretty warm and humid.
  • As soon as Beau got into the arena he rolled so sweet, he gets up really fast after a roll. We did a funny thing, I got the dressage whip and just held it, he went around quickly 3 times in one direction. then he came in when I asked him, then 3 times in the other driection. I thought iwas over the top for the bad feeling day. He was really a good boy. I thought it would be a great time for a little rinse off outside. 
  • We went out front not too close to the ladies paddock. I rinsed him off, sometimes he doesnt move so I can get the other side of him rinsed off.
  • Then I went over to the outdoor paddock so he would go in and walk aroud. As soon as the gate was closed Beau rolled in the mud and poop of the mares paddock. So gross then we walked around. I had to rinse him again.
  • He cleaned up good. Back in the barn with all the hores
  • I brushed out my boy with the cool water that he had on him from the shower.
  •  Muck  was a sweet thing, I soaked a towel before I left and brought. it into Muke's stall, I toweled him  rom head to tail with cold water, he was watching me out of the side of his eye as I rubbed him down. Hes such a sweet boy. I also gave him 2 cookies, 2 apple sauces and a few carrots. Hes getting to like me a bitmore. I was not comfortable taking him out by myself for a shower. I did not know who fed them tonight but they didnt give any showeres that I could tell.

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