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Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday before New Years Dr Katz

  • 930 appt, I worked from home and thenn went to the barn, He was with Cisco for a while wile I exercised Beau doing soem light work. Beaudid not run around at all just relaxed and rolled, we did our exercises, with the bandana. He listens so well. Its pretty exciting.

  • I had to stop at the quick mart on Heart pond to get soem cash for xmas tip and also some snacks like oatmeal and also juice for me.
  • I wanted to take him in his cross tie spot and not in the other ailse where cisco was so I brought him over after we did our workouts inn the arena

  • Doc Katz always workth the visit.
  • He did his thing and asked about his hoofs, I kinda hate that they are doing the stalls as we are getting our horses done.
  • Kristie was second Kristin at 8am, June at 9am and me at 930.
  • I woke up worked on the AARO project did the accessibilty and then went over to the barn.
  • Watched as Dr Katz took care of Beau and Beau practically smiled as he worked on him.
  • He really likes Beau and said he looks good and feels good
  • It raiing hard and has been for days. The dampness is all the way to the bone.

  • Big take away today, I told him that I was having issues picking up his feet. everytime I see him pick up his feet he kicks out in an almost dangersous way that makes me feel uncomfortable. So I asked Dr katz about how or why he does that kicking to the side.
  • katz said that it is some strange reflex that is not intentional, he does not mean to be tricky and not tryingn to hurt me.
  • So because he is most likely having soem issues with his artheritis of the hip.
  • So I saw that he tries to pick up his foot but then needs to pull the leg back to stretch toward te outside, then he pulls his leg inn again and is coorperative. Then Katz tucks his leg.

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