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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hershey, Colleen, Jewel and I took a trot in the rain

Its always pretty cool to go to Bobby's Ranch for a ride. Colleen and I have been seeing the Farm's Deer family on the driveway as we drive out everytime. As Bobby said today, "Its a pretty special place". He was telling us that he has a little deer at his house at the top of the hill that sits under a tree and waits for its Mom. Id say animals tickled-him-pink. I like him. Today He took a walk with Colleen and I down the hill to see if the family of deer were hanging out around the stream. It looked like they may have been sitting in the grass or under the tree. He also shared how the farm was 23 acres, over 60 horses, 39 years old. He said he started the farm as a summer vacation for his children. I think it would be pretty special to be his children. Today he also spoke of Brenda and his home on the hill. Brenda takes care of the animals, buffalo, chickens, geese, mini horses, pony, donkeys, dogs, and many more.
The ride was amazing. Hershey was like he just got up on a Monday but I like him like he is. He's a big guy. I think I love to ride him. I didnt intend to like him at all. I imagined I would ride him until I could ride Tulsa more often. I havent ridden Tulsa since April.
Today's ride was with the guide Sally, she is new for Colleen and I but it was great to get to know her. She is living in New Orleans in school but here for the summer. She has a horse called cricket and he is in a barn in Dunstable. Sally told us that Cricket got into trouble at Bobbys Ranch so that she keeps him at another barn where hes been on good behavior.
The farm animals were all in stalls today. The sheep and the donkeys were in the horse stalls and they had to be kicked out to let the horses in for their first ride of the day. It was funny. I liked today because there was a group of kids/girls that were waiting for a trail ride. They came plenty early and were watching all the horses in the barn getting ready for a ride. They didnt notice any of the sprinkling rain at all. The girls had a great attitude and were so happy on the trails. The only ones trotting today were Colleen and I. I like it that way. We didnt do extra trots that ok with me but I do love when we can do 5. Today it was like maybe 3. Although the picture in this post are a beautiful day, it was raining this morning and it made the trail ride pretty cool. The trails reminded me of a day at camp when I was a kid, buggy, wet trees, cold but still has a beautiful rain smell and a coolness that you can dress for with coats and hoods. The guides wore the duster coats and now want one for work.

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