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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bruno is great!

Sunday I decided that I should go on another ride with my buddy Colleen. She was so about it. I had to meet her there this trip. I was barely on time but made it. The ride was huge and I was one of the last ones on a horse, Tulsa, Hershey, Duke Oreo all my favs were already mounted. Colleen was lucky enough to get one of our favorite horses from last year, Horsey Mumps or as the farm refers to him, Boger. He is too pretty for that name.

I thought there may not even be a horse for me. Sheila came around the corner and she had Bruno. I was excited. He was amazing. So friendly and sweet. It was a great ride. My stirrups are tight now days and its been a better balance during the ride. He was great. Sheila asked me to come up front with Colleen at the beginning of the ride. I took Bruno and lead him to the front. He loved it. It was a huge ride I think 20 or so. Bobbys was smiling about the amount of people. I found the people on the ride very interesting. There was a sweet young couple and the man rode Domino. He loved his ride she was very happy I think on Blue but Im not sure. Well The ride was good short trots but fun. Colleen said that Horsey Mumps was a wonderful ride very cooperative. Sheila was totally run down from a wicked busy day. almost all the horses tacked out for each ride. Bruno was such a good ride Im hoping to ride him again soon. I took some pics of him and Colleen took some of Bruno and me. While posing with him he almost hugs me. I think he loves people. He is usually a guide so he likes to think Im a guide too. I liked it.

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