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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Helped out on the farm this week Christine and rode with Duke

Popped out of bed this Saturday and got my self on the road fast.  Kanti had said that the guides were short handed on Saturday and she was going in early to help.  I sent a note to Sheila and asked if I could help too.  She said sure thing.  I was kinda excited. I realize that I am limited in how I can help, I am not experienced in preparing a horse for a trail ride.Raychel was parked behind me, didnt want to wake her, Took My Big Ford.
When I got there I had heard that the rides were full for the day. Sheila and Bob was in the office.  Pretty cool.  Kanti was getting Bogie ready, there were so many people all working at the same time.  Sheila was in the office.  I asked Sheila what would be the best thing for me to help with.  She said that it would be ok if I took the horses over as they were ready and put them in the gate.  When I got back to the barn, Cassie said I may learn more if I work with Kanti to get each horse ready by combing out their fur with the metal spiral rake type of tool and then a soft brush.

This is Shawnee, she is small and needs some fat on her bones but so sweet.

Kanti began to teach me some little things about getting the horses ready. She let me know many ways that help the horse feel calm as you brush them down.  She said that some are sensitive at their body and its ok to use you hand and then the rake.  She also said that the mud needs to be broken up carefully and then the soft brush.  There is an underside that you need careful with your brushing.  I tried to keep the brushing soft.  It was fun to  work with the horses but as far as getting the horses loaded I do not have the skills. We got a couple horses ready and most of the riders were at the water barrels ready to go.  Kanti asked if I was riding and I said maybe later.  Kanti said Sheila said if I was going to ride Id better jump on Duke now, later there may not be horses.  Wow I had to get going.  We had a big ride and it was totally advanced.  I was on Duke, and the remainder of the riders were advanced.  Cassie lead and said, "are we all up for a canter ride?" I was up front and I thought wow this is great!  We did quite a bit of fast trots and took the trails I love the most around the beautiful lake.  It was great.  I think I love when Sarah takes us out but she had to take the slower walk ride.  The girls worked hard.
Bobby said that a place I could really help would be if I helped with the line up at the water barrel.  I worked with this 16 year old girl named Christine that helps get the horses together with the families.  Christine is a very nice girl.  I worked later with her to clean out the boarder barn.  We worked hard. I know she is working but I was just learning to help out.  So I had said I could help out from 8:30 to 12.  It was fun because I was able to help with 3 rides and shovel out the boarder barn with Christine.  It was the first time that I was able to help.  I did love it.  I think that if I go early with Kanti she can help me learn more about the saddle etc.  Before I left for the day Kanti was helping with some of the horses, Chiquita and Shawnee to get them ready for the upcoming rides.  She had just bought a new harness for Bogie it was nice.  Red with little horses on it.  She loves that horse so much.  She went out to help with the second and third ride and I was helping with the little stuff around the barn.  I was able to share some carrots and then I got to say hi to Bob.  Gave him a big hug and a kiss with the card I had for him.  He looked amazing. He was there for a few hours.
When Christine asked Bobby if the boarder barn was in good shape, Bobby said "no" it was a mess.  Christine jumped in the ATV and started to go over to the barn.  I asked if she wanted help Id go over with her.  We went into each stall and figured how much needed to be cleaned and we did about 7 or so wheelbarrows of manure to the side of the barn in a big pile.  We finished up together each of us turns scraping up a stall and together we shoveled into the wheelbarrel.  Christine said she loved music and put her songs on so we could hear there as we shoveled.  She seemed like a nice person.  She said she had a horse of her own and she has been coming to Bobby's since she was a young child.  She had her horse at Westford Stables.   It was nice to talk with her has we worked.  We finished up, and headed back to the corral so we would be able to help with the next ride.   I enjoyed working hard.
 I stayed until 12:30 took some pics and headed home.  It was a beautiful morning that I worked.

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