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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blue and I on the 10am with Kanti

I was all ready to go ride at the 9am, it was in the 30s, and I received a text that Kanti would be late.  I let her know I would go at 10 with her.  This made it a little different, not rush I had another cup of coffee and then left.  Bob was going fishing at the Refuge this morning.  I got my 5 lbs of carrots and took off at about 9am.  When I got there the guy who shoes some of the horses with the Van was in the opening to the barn.  I don't really know him but he seems like he thinks he is special.  He is working on a horse and Sheila needed to help because the horse was worried.  Sheila said it was very difficult so I stayed away from the front of the barn and hung out with Tonto, and Domino.  Sheila was working with the girls in the barn and the man was shoeing the black and white horse.  It added some tension to the area.  Kanti finished up with Bogie and then she left the areas too.
Cathy had Tabu and she was walking her around.  Her wound in the back hind hip looks very painful.  I can see the stitches and there is an open wound getting sun and healing.  Tabu looked happy enough with Cathy walking. I walked around with her and Kanti for a little while.  Tabu needed the exercise to help her heal.  Tonto was in his stall standing and looking around. I gave him some carrots and he was happy too.  Val was working with Sheila and they looked like they were happy.  As I went over to Domino I gave him some carrots.  He was happy to see me. I petting his nice head and mane. Suddenly after I gave him a carrot I leaned over a gain to pet his face and there was a snap and I received a shock.  Both Domino and I received the shot and we both jumped back and away.  Domino was pretty scared and he looked at me like I was responsible.  I let him know I had nothing to do with it and I gave him the rest of the carrots.   I felt bad that I had scared him.  But he did jump back fast and strong.  He must be feeling better.

Andy needed to turn back from11am ride, Kanti brought him.  He had something wrong.   She is worried. He was good here.

Everyone in the corral was starvin today.

There were some socializing with the goats and the sheep.  The little black sheep is trying to make extra friends with the sweet lamb.  Im worried for her.  The other sheep is black and has horns growing in.  I was able to give him some carrots.  The little sheep is much less scared of me and actually approaches me for carrots.  I think that she is sweet and Im excited that she would begin to trust me.
The ride was nice it seemed short because the first ride came back late.  I think we had to cut corners and we didnt go around the lake but  we did take a right at the lake and did a trot on lake edge before doubling back.  I like to go around the lake but its ok.  The leaves were falling quickly today, I imagine that it will show signs of winter soon.  It was nippy in the afternoon.  The wind picked up and we all realized just how cold it could be soon.  It was a nice short ride but I was happy.  There was a big man behind me on Hershey.  He was so happy to be on Hershey he had ridden him another time and he was happy to have him today.  I hope that Hershey isnt getting too much work with Domino having to rest his leg.

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