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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday there was no 9am ride, I went at 10 with Tulsa

I called while driving and Cassie said there was no 9am.  There must have been low on guides.  I had to kill some time before going there but it was ok.  I asked for the 10am instead.  I sped with my carrots from the refrigerator.  There was no parking.  Many people were at the farm.  It was hopping. I could see the farrier (sp) was parked in front of the barn.  Tonto was getting his feet fitted.  When I spoke with Valerie later, she said that he needed special shoes to help with his condition.  Tonto has been suffering with a sickness and then a condtion on his legs.  Poor Valerie.  Well I went over to the line up There were still getting horse ready. I could see tons of men so I may not get my Duke.  But its ok.  I was set up with Sheila, she put me on Tulsa and said that she has been sensitive to horses behind her.  I would make sure he had nothing to worry about.  I had some carrots in my pocket but Tulsa was all business.  The ride was huge and the mist was starting to come down.  There was a little girl named Evylyn I belive with her mom and dad.  I remember she went on another ride and was talking and enjoying herself the whole time.  Well the ride was big and they were short guilds.  Sheila asked me if I minded working while we were at the split. The trot ride with Cassie, Sarah and Amanda was huge.   I said no problem and took the end of the walk ride with her.  I felt pretty good.  The family with the special needs girl and the woman and her Dad were infront of me. The dad was on Hershey and the lady, Susan was on Andy.  They were all happy.  Tulsa wanted to trot today she has a peppy step.  I felt like I was helping.  I saw that Kanti was NOT on the ride.  Bogie was with another rider.  I was a little concerned.

It was beautiful and we didnt get wet.  The temp was about 55 or so.  Had to wear a sweatshirt but it worked out.  The whole ride I was happy to talk with the woman and man infront of me.  Susan had beatiful long red colored hair.  Almost the color of Andy's.  She said that she loved riding iwth Malaki who also had matching hair.  She was lovely.  When she got off Andy I noticed she had a light green cross tatoo on her forehead.
Bob had just gotten home from the hospital that week. Domino has an absys on his leg and is limping.  There are some other horses limping too.  Then I went to give Kanti a hug, she said that something terrible had happened to Tabu and she need medicine and to be cared for that morning. I could see her standing up in the barn stall.  Tonto was in the stall next to her.  Far away from their friends.  Tonto was drugged up and had new shoes,  and sweeit little Tabu was standing looking away.  The barn had a wire fence so that the other horses would not get too close to those two.  Domino clearly didnt like being kept back.  I talked with Bobby and he told me some stories about Bob not listening to the drs and walking around and going out when he is suppose to be mending and then not being able to get up.  Poor young Bob so much going on.  I asked if I could give Domino a carrot, Bobby said, that I would not matter what anyone said.  domino was happy to get the love.  He limped over to me and I was feeling for him.  He totally loved the love. Good Boy.
Out in the corral I was able to give Duke some carrots before he took off on his next ride.  He knows Im going to spoil him each week now.  He knows I want to hang out with him on a ride and give him some love with carrots.  Sheila said he was so naughty this week on a ride,  he wouldnt go with a rider oh his back.   Sheila switching horses during the ride then taught him to listen by doing guide tricks with the reins.  He was sorry she didnt listne and we great for the rest of the ride.  Sheila sound so happy.  She was so dam busy with the day.  I think they had a long day.  I left worried about Tango, Tabo and Domino plus there was another little horse there.  Kanti said that Cathy was having a tough time and was very sad.  Tonto was so groggy, I hope they are feeling better.  Valerie and with her sweet Tonto 3 times a day to make sure that he is going to be ok.  I had to rush back I wanted to help more.  I was able to get off Tulsa on my own and talk with the nice people from the ride. I wish I would see them again sometime.

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