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Saturday, November 16, 2013

First day on the lease -- Apache

Set it up for a 9am but it became overbooked and the 10am that was full, the Boy Scouts cancelled so I was able to go on the smaller ride, 10am.  They were running out of horses, because there was a few men on the 10am ride.

Val getting Duke ready for the others to ride at the 9am
I made sure I visited Tabu and gave she and Tonto and fed them carrots before our 10am ride while the 9am was out.  Those two are getting better so quickly.  Tonto is such a nibbler on the one side of the inside barn and Smokey was getting brushed at the same time by the young woman that was on the ride last week.  She said she was grumpy on a ride last week but she was feeling good today.  She said there was no such thing as Sweet 16, it was more like miserable 16.

I talked with her and this week she seemed in a great mood.
I think I like being a leaser. 

Blue was in a stall and they said he wasnt riding today. He was covered with mud and he kept looking at me to see if I would visit him.  Bogie was all set so Kanti and I had a hour to kill before our ride.  I asked if we could maybe brush Blue.

I didnt think we could.  Kanti ran right in and asked if she could remove Blue and we could take the metal comb and the brush and get him all cleaned up.
I want to get better at taking care of the horses.  While we were doing that in the barn, Val was walking Tonto to stretch his legs and get him moving.  She was laughing at me because while I was brushing out Blue, she said I was so gentle it was funny.

I found myself brushing my hand along his fur and then running the metal comb over it.  I didnt want Blue to think that I was being pushy.  It was fun and I really like him!  The first ride finally returned it was a huge ride.  The weather became so much warmer and the sun making it easy to sun outisde.  While Lexie her mom and Kanti sat on the stone wall waiting for the ride to return, there was a strange person walking on the other side of the boarder field behind the shelter with 2 large dogs, a light and dark one.  He seemed to be running the dogs and I thought it was dangerous for him to be doing that while we were out in the woods.
Hunting season had started again and I had my bright green/yellow hoodie under the Carhart jacket.  I was almost too warm.  It was climbing into the 60s.  Nice Day.

The ride of 19 people was on its way back and I was getting excited to ride.  There were too many men in this ride and I had a feeling that I would not get to ride Duke. I  was getting worried, Duke wasnt available for me but for a guy.  So all the riders were on and i was waiting at the rail.

Sheila walked back to the office and on the way by she said, Dont worry Jules they are getting a horse for you.  I was getting excited.
So they took out Apache, and while Cassie was getting the bridle on his face she commented that he was very stubborn.  Actually she called him a DB.  i was suddenly worried about this horse.

So Danny said OK hes ready lets go Jules, so I jumped on his back.  He was kinda small for me.

 Cassie said he was a good horse he just doesnt like doing anything.  Well, as she was adjusting my stirrups he started walking, I pulled back.  Danny said have a great ride and as I looked back Cassie was smiling.  I knew I was in for an interesting ride today.  Apache started to trot to the water barrels.  I pulled back on him.  He seemed to hate it.  I began talking to him kindly.
As we went I could tell this would be a different ride.  Apache is aggressive. As I approached the water barrels, Apache pushed his way and Bogie and he dont like each other.  We got in line and then the ride began.  I had to make sure that he didnt tailgate poor Belle.  He trotted up the first hill.  His lively steps gave me a different walk.
He uses short quick steps and when its time to trot he wants to go fast.  We trotted the test trot, at the desert and then the long trot.  This guy was loving going fast.  He seemed to think that everyone else was holding him up.  I had petted him a few times on the side and on the head as we rode and also worked to see if he would feel loved.  I was slightly worried that maybe I was more challenged with Apache because I needed to make sure he behaved.
During the 3rd trot he began to go into a canter.  I was totally surprised.  Cassie smiled at me and said, Jules did you get into a little canter?.  I was pretty dam excited.  I had to sort steer him to make sure that he stayed on the trial.  He wanted to run the ride his own way.  Im pretty sure that Apache is usually with the guides and I feel that getting to ride him is a new challenge for me.  As we walked along Apache's walk was more like a cowboys walk.  I was bumping up and down with his strides and his trot was powerful and ready to speed up to a faster canter and possibly whatever I would let him do.  As fast as he wanted to go maybe he would do a great job as a guide horse, wanted to be first.  I was so excited the whole ride.

After the ride I took some pictures of Duke and gave him a few carrots.  He knew I was there for him and backed up to get his carrots and pose for his special pictures.  I also tried to get Apache's attention but he didnt look back once. I threw some piecies of carrots on the ground at his feet I hope he gets some.  At the end of the time I gave all of the horses carrots with Kanti.  Hershey, Bogie, Mariah, Midnight.  I made sure that Domino got a few carrots before I left too.

 Today I was able to get to go in the barn and help with the horses.  I am working with Kanti to learn more about how to care for each one of them.  I am honestly timid  but she is forward and helps me to feel more confidant.

I stayed a little while after and spoke with Bobby and with Bob and make sure I gave the rest of the carrots to to Bob for the horses. Also I made sure I went on the side of the Barn to give Sargent and Winston a few carrots and some attention.
I was so happy when I left the farm and didnt even get apples either.


  1. I think that Apache is an Appalosa Horse with characteristics of
    "Roan blanket with spots A horse with a roan blanket that has white and/or dark spots within the roan area"

    1. Oh yeah my muscles are achey in a new way, I think I used new muscles that I havent needed to use before. It was pretty cool.
