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Saturday, November 2, 2013

9am with Duke it was 1st Nov ride

I wasn't sure Id make it in time for the 9am because I couldnt find my phone.  I was late at leaving the house.  Although it said it was cold on the thermometer it was starting to look like a nice day was in store.  I dress warm but layers, LS shirt, tshirt, new hoodie and fleece vest,  in the case I could wear a tshirt later.  The sun was shining strong.
Kanti had texted me that she was with her Mom for the last day and wont make it this weekend at all.  I know that is tough for her.  Thank goodness she comes all the time so she can come more than one ride when she is there.I called into Bob and he sounded great on the phone. I told him I was about 2min away and would like to be on the 9am if it was possible.  He said hurry and you'll make it.  I was perfect timing.  The lady with the daughter Lexie was there to ride, the dark haired girl with the black riding helmut, and a lady with her son that was tethered to Sarah.
We headed out together, Christine was at he water barrels.  Sheila was working this morning and she asked me "Blue or Duke today".  I responded, Duke.  I would like Blue as a horse to keep because of his wonderful character but for the ride this morning I was choosing Duke.  He looked peppy.  As Danny put my length on the stirrups as she adjusted it Duke didnt stop walking.  I think  he may have been a little fresh today.  As we waited in line at the barrels he strayed over into the grass. I had to yank him back to behind the group.  I thought he was a little fresh today.
 He was behind Tulsa and I was worried that he was going to tailgate. I was pulling him back but he was on her butt.  We went into the woods at the farm and right away you could see a sweet deer watching us in the path ahead.  When she ran you could really see the white tail up as she ran so fast.    Sheila was up front with Sarah with the tethered boy on Belle.
We split off from the path and Sheila lead the ride with us.  I was feeling good about the ride because we were all advanced.  Many people favor Sheila for the ride lead.  I noticed that the ride today was one of those rides.  The two women mother and daughter prefer Sheila and the girl in black on Midnight was seemed irritated.  I was worried about her because she was kinda unhappy.

The ride progressed and we split at the sand.  Our first trot was nice.  Duke wanted to go faster than the ride was going.  Tulsa moved up to lead the ride with Lexie's Mom on her.  I think it made the girl in dark jealous of the status.  I didnt care at all because I dont care what the other people are doing so long as I am happy riding with Duke (or the horse that goes out with me for the ride). I was excited because we were going around the lake.  Sarah was a little behind me with the little boy and his mom.  As we trotted past the great part of the lake with the dip and the corner Sarah had a quick radio to Sheila.  I guess Belle wasnt doing too good on the tether and had to be taken off because ehs was trying to trot.  Maybe were should have been out of sight when we started to trot.  I know that Duke likes Belle maybe Belle likes Duke and tried to catch him.  That would be kinda cool.
Well about the straight away around the Lake we had to wait for Sarah, Sheila went back to help out.  The little boy seemed fresh.  We had the rest of the ride walking.  The boy was talking to Sarah and he thought he was funny and that he made Belle trot.  Im not sure what happened but the little boy was not behaving (I think).  The rest of the ride was beautiful but I would have loved to trot more.  I love the pics.  The girl in black was talking to midnight I think but I was worried she was sad.

Later Sheila confirmed it.  Getting back to the barn was nice. I spent some time with giving carrots to Hershey and Duke, walked over to Winston, Bogie and Sargant and shared some carrots.  Christine was scrubbing the water barrels so clean.
Bobby was helping Val get the tractor to clean up in teh barn.  Domino was with Tango in the Barn.  He was a little worried after last week's shock we both got from standing too close to the cord in the barn to separate the horses.  I was able to get some carrots to Domino and he trusts me again but hes caustious poor boy.  I missed seeing Kanti.

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