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Friday, November 15, 2013

Saw a man about a horse today, a leased horse

Left work on a Friday at 12 noon, grabbed a little sushi at Bamboo and then headed home and to Bobby's.  I was happy driving there in a different time of day.  I imagined how cool it would be to ride every Friday.  Stopped at Donegan's its parking lot was totally full, much different than Saturdays at 9am.  Well went in and grabbed the carrots, some milk and they were having a wine tasting so I had a chance to take a sip of wine and get out the door to head to the farm.

When I go there a woman was looking at Bogie.  I went into the office not the window with Bob but went into the office's back door and sat down with Bob.  He smiled and seemed happy to see me.  I told him that  i had taken time off from work to come talk to him about some business.  I told him I would like to do a 1/2 lease for the winter.  A winter lease.  He seemed happy to hear it.  His first question was, what horse did I want to lease?
Well, I really was expecting him to suggest a horse for me.  He asked me who i wanted to ride . . .
Besides Duke.

Well I said I love them all.  I couldnt even think.  Hershey, Domino, Smokey and of course Blue and Tulsa. We mentioned Tulsa but I said I wanted a larger horse that could handle my size.  Young Bobby came into the office. I asked him for some advice about who I should lease.  We all came to the conclusion that I love all of the horses and was challenged to chose one of them.  I asked if I could just not chose.  If Duke came back from his sales deal I would take him but otherwise could I just lease the available horse for now?
Bob and Bobby said it would work out fine if we agreed to that one.  I can lease all of them.
I am very happy today.  I never thought I would lease a horse because I Love them all so much.
This is the perfect solution.  $200 a month for riding as much as I can.  I cant wait.

I went out to see the herd and check on Domino.  I was able to give him a carrot but didnt give any more so they wouldnt fight.  Its tough to be in a herd.

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