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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Keepin with the early mornings, got there at 9am and got out by 930, Amy , Kanti and I

Ill upload more pics later.  I was lucky enough to take a quick ride with Amy and Kanti and then I went out on the 10am with the customers with a large group with James including, Michelle the new girl, Lexie, Kanti, Sandy, Cathy, Anja (she took another horse not Titan).  It was a nice ride and we were able to get in many trots.  I had Duchess and she was good this ride. It felt great to lean back on her for the trots and I could keep my balance better than the last time I rode her.  She was very nice, and Kanti kept Bogie from getting too close.  She is the lead of the herd so needs to be respected.  I like that about her.  On the ride Lexie saw two turtles that i hadn't seem at all.  She has a keep sense.  There was a small turtle that had crossed the trail at the first place where we break off and then during the trot in the same area before the woods she spotted a giant snapper heading into the woods.  Both of the turtles were well of the trail and she spotted quickly during our trots.  I was impressed.
She trots without using  her stirrups.  It is pretty advanced. I think that both her mother and her have gotten pretty good at riding over the past winter.  And Lakota has a nice friend that has been taking care of her (Lexie).  Ill write more later.  Oh yeah it was so funny on the second ride, James was on Duke.  When Kanti gives the kiss sound for Bogie to move, Duke hears it.  He did it in the morning too.  I absolutely loved it.  When she wanted to move (she is a good guide for the trails)  She would, cue the horses from the back with a quick kiss sound and all of them would listen and we would pic ulpl a trot to canter very easily.  I realized that she is truly a great riding buddy.  She has taught me so much and I am going to get her to teach me more.

Anja's horse Titan, he is a nice boy.

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