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Monday, July 14, 2014

Beautiful Breezy Morning Rides Barb Kanti and The second was a huge ride with Blue

I was able to arrive before 9am so that I could ride on the 9am.  When I got there on Sunday everyone was there.  I saw Kanti, and Barb right away, then Amy, Sarah Sandi.  Duke was all saddled and ready.  We were going to do a relaxing slow ride with Barb, with Anja.  Sandy and Cathy were getting ready to go out for a 2hour ride so we all went out together to the lake.  Barb is looking very good with her chaps and Kanti was in the best form to ride.  I love when Anja goes out on an early ride.  She is a great girl. We enjoyed ourselves very much.  I got Duke ready, counted the stirrup straps the 8 holes down and Kanti has a new fly mask for Duke.  It was a beautiful light Blue.  I love that she is so sweet to the horses and I am going to reimburse her for the one for Duke because he is so great.  Anyway we split from Sandy and Kathy at the edge of the lake and we continued around the lake.

Funny thing today is there were about 5 people out on the island sitting in chairs had a tent and were sitting around I thought a cooking or around a fire.  It was almost funny.  They looked so strange and almost annoyed that we were on the trail at 9:20 in the morning.  We went around the lake also there was a fly fishing man fishing at the first break off of the lake.  He looked like an older man.
Second Ride
For our second ride I took out Blue and Kanti took Big Red.  She was very happy to go on the customer ride. I was thinking it may be nice to go out like Amy and Laurie go.  later talking to Laurie and to Amy they went out to Acton and had a nice 2 hour ride.  When I returned they were resting in the shade.  Anja with the new horse was next to Val and Tonto.  After the first ride I took Duke quickly out to the side with Troy and Tonto and gave him a bucket with some carrots.  I was so happy that he was cooperating to come over past the horse area over to where Val has Tonto.  I was happy to take Blue out on the second ride. It had been so long so I was very happy to take him out with me on an hour ride. I missed him.  Duke was in front of me with a nice man.  As I was behind him I was able to appreciate how beautiful and strong he is, I loved it.

Tonto and Anja's Big Draft Horse

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