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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Nice Ride with Amy, Big Red and of course Duke, just the two of Us

Ride at about 10am with Amy.  Lexie took time off busy wall week at farm. No KANTI her car broke down hope to see her Sunday the trail was wet a few place.  Duke's nature was a little different.  As we went on the ride, he whined wicked loud 2 times.  I had a feeling it was because of the new horse Big Red, who is not very big by the way.  Duke had a kick in his step from the start.  He was ready to go from the beginning.  Amy said she was very happy that I came this morning because the first ride of the day was 11am.  I was there about 920 and Amy was helping getting the horses ready.  I was able to pay my lease for July.  Our ride was pretty nice.  The bugs were absolutely terrible. As I said Duke was trying to go fast the whole time.  I think that Amy may have had some probe with Big Red but she didn't say much except that he was rough ride, and she was having probe getting him to a cantor.  I told her that Sheila has said to Kanti about when going into Cantor best to go right into it if the trot starts the horses may not be able to change the rhythm to have the footing for a canter.  She thought it was interesting.  I found that we could have trotted and/or cantered more but Amy was getting more comfortable with her new horse.  I had worn my Assisins Steed shirt and wanted a pic with Duke but I couldn't get the chance because the ride after.  Im not sure why I don't take advantage of the time before the ride with Duke to give him some carrots.  I better do it tomorrow I think.  He's too skinny and works very hard.

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