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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blue today, 2 rides a canter or two

Missed the Saturday so it was great to make it in time to ride with Sandy, Cathy, Laurie and Kanti.
Kanti took out Big Red and he coughed so much that she was worried when we cantered.  She brought him back and caught up with the guide ride.  I think he was feeling better.  Hope everything is ok.  Laurie was riding behind me on Apache, I like how she is with Apache.  He's beautiful guy.

I was challenged on the ride because I am getting used to Blue's canter style plus I can use some riding tips.  When there are rides away from customer rides, more advanced I have opportunities to learn how to ride fast with Duke or in this case Blue.  These are sometimes short, under an hour but they are the most exciting of the times.  I don't aways count how many times that I actually get to a canter.  Blue like I will explain leaps into the air as soon as he knows we are going to run.  His leap is so strong and large that I must keep calm and handle it.  On the trail all the other riders have much smaller horses when we go out (I noticed).  This may be easier or more difficult.  From what I Have experienced it is easier for them on a smaller horse.  The experiences from everyone are so helpful to me on the trails.
Sandy gave me a tip, called it Cowboy Post, he said that you slightly post up and down during the heavy trots to keep your body off the saddle and help to keep the balance too. I tried it, Ill need more practice.  We talked about heavy or continual trots and how it is difficult to get in the rhythm from a long trot to a canter.  The horses can "Jump" into a canter from the get go.  Thats exciting.  He and Cathy were talking about how in Wyoming, the riders on the ranches frequently hold the horn and also the back of the saddle.  When I was in Colorado, the guides said, Hold the back of the saddle but this was because the inclines on the giant rocks were so steep, I don't know of any other way to stay on at that angle.
Blue's Canter is much different than Duke.  The saddle actually needed to be titghted after the 3 canter when we went up the hill after the left turn to the left at the edge of the lake.  Cathy jumped off and checked it and it was too loose.  I really appreciate her doing that.
I was able to keep up without sliding off after that.  Blue's canter is huge.  Gigantic steps.  He loved the jump before the canter I could really feel  how powerful he could be if he let his whole self go, or run as fast as he could.  It was beautiful thing as usual to experience another horses's flying canter.  I am so fortunate.  :)

We saw a man and his dog. Blue was ok with that but on the second ride Blue didn't like the small child holding the god back.  And also the man or dad was scolding the boy for letting go or not being responsible with the dog.  I expected the dog to run up behind us.  I was with Sarah and as we walked down the trail the dog boy and Dad (with fishing rods) was following.  Blue turned his head as he walked to let me know he didn't like being followed by the dog and others.  Blue kept doing it, it was interesting.
ON the first ride, We were with Cathy and Sandy and doubled back to catch the guide ride.  It was nice. Those two can go fast,  Sandy was on April and he really liked how she was riding, Cathy of course on Taboo. Those two continued for a 2 hour ride to Acton.  I was nice to ride for a bit with them.

I had a nice talk with Laurie on the way back.  Blue was excited to go fast on the hill before the little stream after the straight away that goes left on the river.  I enjoyed him very much.  On the first ride Cathy slowed us down to go around a downed tree that had 2 huge splintered ends that went 1/2 way into the trail.  Wicked dangerous for a rider and horse if they didn't see it or if they were in a canter and needed to slow down.  The area after the wooden planks, before the turn around the lake is called,  Lower Pine and when you take the loop back at the turn is called Triangle Trail.  Sarah told me this today.  I always wanted to know how to describe it.  Sarah told me that Hawk is still lame from Stetson kicking him.  Now she is having Stetson take all the rides with her until Hawk feels better.

I also got a chance to help Christina get on Domino.  All the guides were gone already and I helped Christina, it felt good.  Olivia helped me with Blue so I was lucky to on the second time not need any help.  It feels good to not need help.
Ill post pictures later.
Oh yeah I asked Sandi if she could give Duke the 3 carrots I left in the bag for me and she said certainly.  I hope he got them today.  She said that her and Shenen had s slip and fall again.  She said it was on a bridge and her foot when through and then she fell on top or her leg.  I hope she is ok and that her and Shenen have some better luck on the trails.  Thank god, Sarah was behind her.

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