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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Quick Ride w/Blue Kanti before the Thurnder - Rain

Just a quick ride today.  I was almost against it.  So many things to do before vacation next week.
Kanti was just coming off a great ride with Laurie the 9am type.  I got there at about 2min of 10am.
Beautiful Duke, he is looking thin I hope he's feeling better soon  xoxo
Olivia was working in the paddock with the horses.  Kanti and Laurie were getting some plants for Kanti to plant.
When I called him he looked over and me and smiled, Im pretty sure.

Kanti was out on a pale horse sweet and named Cody.  She looked like she was some type of Appaloosa.  She liked her.
I was on Blue, We went on the ride with the customers, 10am.  There was a family that seemed like they were from another country and had accents on the ride.  The family all took the walk ride.  There were a mom and daughter with us and Sarah was the guide.   Anja and Olivia was on the walk ride plus Anja had the young boy tethered.
It was an interesting ride, plain but Oreo and Blue kept us from going too fast. Blue doesn't ride as great as when we are out of the customer. ride.  I took a few pictures and talked with Kanti the whole ride.  It was fun. I took a map of the ride and will upload.

There is a bees nest on the hill approaching the end of the ride near the area where the sheep, mini donkey's and lamb sometimes are penned.  Apache was stung yesterday on the hind leg.  Poor thing.
Market Basket Drama is still going on.  I was able to get some groceries before I left Littleton.
There was a horrible accident on the highway involving campers, tracker trailers and a smushed car on Route #495.

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