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Saturday, July 26, 2014

First ride with Teresa Cassie's sister - canter

Wicked traffic today held me up so I didn't make the 9am but got there well after 9:35.  I twas ok I spent time with the lamb and talked with Sandi.  She and Sarah said that Duke was sore on his withers but he was still saddled up in the corral waiting.  I hope he didn't work at all today.  He did get some hay and I was able to give him a quick carrot after the 2nd ride left.

When Kanti and Laurie came back the 9am had returned they went out quick and returned with the customers. The breezy air and high 70s weather makes you feel good to go out in the woods for a ride.  I was able to choose who to ride. Blue, Hershey, Domino (I wanted Domino).There was only one customer Eve I thin her name was and she had been a boarder years before.  She was patient.  There were some girls hanging around (two young ones).

When we got to the split Theresa asked if everyone wanted to trot ride.  It was only on customer, 2 girls who seemed like they were friends of someone (so they were not customers free riding most likely) Kanti and I.  The customer wanted to ride fast.   Teresa asked if everyone was comfortable with a canter.  I was pretty excited that she would offer.  There was a man on the first wooded run so we had to wait until the corner and then we did really trot.  When wet got to the lake things got fun.  There were families on the lake and people on the island.  Teresa got us trotting at the corner but the family had 3 dogs and Fletcher has come for the ride which makes it difficult to do much running on the trail.  We stopped and the  nice lady got her tiny Lassie style dog in her arms.  She was nice.
we then walked for a bit and went into what would be  4 canter tries today.  The first one was a struggle because of Fletcher, Kanti was behind me.  Blue was a good boy, but he couldn't get into a canter with Fletcher there.  So when Teresa asked about the next one, I made it clear that Blue won't go fast if Fletcher is there.   She called the ride and then I told Fletcher to be careful and he went off the trail so Blue could ride.  I was happy he listened to me and I was also surprised.  The little dog did better.   We had some great canters. Blue was a good boy.  Eventually the girl in the back wanted to be up with her friend and after that,  Apache got too close to Blue and bit him.  Apache had never done that before.  Laurie is pretty good with him.  Kanti wanted to pass with Apache but Im not sure that it was a good idea. I let them.   I was in the back for the rest of the ride.  It was perfect for Blue.  Kanti later said that Apache was stung by a bee at the end of the ride.  When we got to the paddock I was able to get off Blue and put him in the gate.  I gave him a few carrots when no one was looking.
Later I went to leave and then turned back the car and gave the carrots to Duke when no one was looking in his stall.  Domino knew what I was doing.  Duke looks blue around the nostrils.  I hope he'll be feeling ok.  He takes such good care of me I wish I could do something for him.
Spent some time with Sergeant and Winston. gave them some carrots too.  They pose sweet for treats.
Met the owner of Jeb the horse that looks like Duke, Blue but even bigger.  He is a nice man and he's new to the farm.  He looks like he'll be a great addition. I took tons of pics of him and his horse in the sandy parking lot.  He was dying to go on a ride.
No ice coffee today. Straight home for hot coffee.

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