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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Groomed Duke for like 2 hours then went out on the 11am

The weather isn't quite warm yet. I had to wear layers.  It warmed up to about 50 and the lot was full of cars but the barn was empty.  Duke was back at the herd hanging.  When I went to get him he was so muddy on both sides instead of just one.  He made me laugh.  I was able to get him and bring him along with just me.  There wasn't a ride happening. I spent so much time getting the mud out of this body.  He was such a good boy today.  Way better than usual.

The place was totally buzzing about Cassie's new engagement at the farm.  It was pretty nice. Theresa Amanda and Katie were working.  Bobby said that he'll get on Duke's shoes this week and that he should be ok on the trails.
Honestly Im so glad I missed the other ladies today.  I was able to spend so much time on his hoofs and his tail.  Im going to keep working on it until its clean. I brought some water to spray on his hoofs. I also picked his hoof pretty well today. I think he felt better after I did it.  I spent most of the time with Duke with no saddle.  I asked Theresa who had gone out for a ride earlier she said she wasn't really sure.  I imagined, Lourie, Amy Cathy and Kanti.  Turned out ti as 2 groups and Cathy had gone out earlier with Sandy her husband.  They were out there early today.  Like I said I was very happy not to rush through with my Mr Clip-Clop prep for a ride.

As it was about 10:30 and I had been working with Duke for over an hour the phone rang and Bob got a call that Kanti had fallen off Bogie on the other side of the lake.  Oh I thought my god not Kanti.  I can see that some of the younger women may not have the experience when riding like they do, but Kanti she's the most experienced.  Well my heart sank.  I couldn't believe it.  Bob took off to the other side of the lake and picked her up.  No one in the group saw what happened they said that they were too far ahead and Kanti was down.  They didn't hear it.  This concerns me. When Bob came back with Kanti she sat on the chair.  The rest of the group did not return with her.  It was a while before they did return.  I talked with her and Theresa when she got back.  I wanted to drive her home but I also was looking to take Duke out for at least an hour.  Well she said she blacked out, she didn't remember where they were at the time.  She had her helmut but it didn't have any damage on it.  She could have had her head hit and been hurt and didn't know it.

Well The 11am ride had saddle and left and I decided to catch it because Laurie, Cathy, Lexie Amy and Sandy were all around her talking making sure she was ok.  I guessed she dint need me anymore. I went out on the ride.  Duke needed to catch up to the riders.  It was a nice family with 3 girls and then some others. Plus Katie was taking out some late comers that we would meet on the trails.
Duke was hesitant to trot again.  He stopped and let out a couple of loud noisy neighs, then he gave ma  choppy trot up the hill.  He again announced himself as we caught up with the ride.

When I got with the ride, Amanda asked me if I was ok, I said yes, and the little family said to me,  That certainly is an impressive horse.  I was taken back by the comment.  I told them that he was actually telling her husbands horse Hershey to wait for him until he got there.  It was a fun ride.  The little family asked me tons of questions and Theresa was on the ride in front of them and told the family stories of the farm and the horses, it was nice. We did a few trots and I love my new stirrups so much.  Well it was a very nice ride.  I am a little disappointed with Duke not liking Stetson or Wichita though.  Fletcher was a pretty good dog and he took a nice swim at the railway bridge

There was a total freak out moment on the other side of the lake.  A woman with her boyfriend, son and dog, made a crazy mistake.  After we passed them they didn't have their dog on a leash and the thing, "Bandit" came tearing down the path toward us and especially toward Duke.  The dog was at his feet and the other two were running toward the butt of Duke and screaming Stop, Bandit no BANDIT over and over screaming.  Well the dog was tearing up the ground to Duke and as the dog was close Duke reared up and jolted forward to run, as a matter of fact I think because Duke listened to me say whah and pull back that the rest of the horses listned too.  I was so proud of hm as the stupid dog barked loudly at his heals.  We all know he could have stomped him.

Theresa's quick thinking saved everyone. She jumped down and took Stetson over and helped them calm their dog and get him away.  But the whole time she was holing Stetson. I was proud of them both.  The city family in front of me form Brighton was very impressed and had a lovely time.  HE was on Hershey, She Shawnie, The girl was on Oreo and Im not sure of the rest. Anyways the rest of the ride was lovely.  We ended up but again, Duke is doing a terrible job of getting out of the way at the end.  I think Im going to break off early and make him go on another trail so he doesn't get stopped at the ramp areas and get in the way.  He was terrible.  Im so going to make him move next time.

Well then I hangout with him at the tack house.  We had such a nice time that he was relaxed enough to take a quick nap with this tack on him.  I was pretty proud of how he chilled with me.  I looked at his feet again.  They are getting better. I had really dug them out earlier and he'll have new shoes soon.   I can't wait.

At the end of day I was getting ready to put Duke back with his buddies in the herd, gave him his snacks and he was so good today.
We trotted together back to the fenced back area.  He was thinking that I would give him some traats again.  He was right.  I gave him my hand his last treats of the day.  I had some for Domino too but he was busy someplace else, I didn't see him.
It may have been my birthday ride.

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