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Sunday, April 12, 2015

The farm was so busy, when I got Duke his eye was swollen shut

I was excited to go to the farm today.  When I got there everyone was there earlier.  Looked like Laurie had Apache tacked up.  Kanti was running in front of me trying to get on a ride. She said that the rides were full and she hardly got in for a ride, had to run.  I told her I was interested in riding along on 11am and would skip the leasers ride with Cathy and Laurie.  Just wanted some time with Duke.
Sandy had already come back from a ride.  Cathy was tacked up and probably going with Laurie.  Laurie is spending all of her time with Cathy.  Amy has been focused on working with some horses.  She likes the smaller ones.  Midnight, Finn, Chiquita.  Today when she got Chiquita I was walking Duke out to the back hill field.  Later when I saw her Chiquita had a huge gauge in her side.  It looked scary like she fell on one of those terrible sharp fence steaks.

Jared said he'd be around the barn too.  Even Sandy had taken an early ride with one of the horses.  It was a busy day.  Theresa and Katie were working.
When I got into the Barn, Duke was in his stall he must have eaten already.  I came behind him and I thought he may have been sleeping.  He went to back up and go with me right away.  I had to run and get my lead line from my car.  ITs the one that Val gave me so I love it.  Anyway when I got back I looked him in the eye when I was talking to him about how he was doing and I was very shocked to see that his eye was shut. IT was swollen and when he turned toward me his other eye was open.  The white one.  I right away felt so sad.  He was hurt.   He seemed kinda bummed too.
I got Theresa and she stopped and applied some ointment to his eye.  She was so sweet with him.  Yesterday watching her tack up Domino and seeing how much Dom was loving her as she had put his bridle on him.  He loved her.  It was very sweet to see.
[Theresa sent me this pic of Duke healed today 14 April 2015]

Yesterday he was so happy to get out on the wet horrible trails but it was great to get him tacked and out there.
I said good bye to everyone that may think I was riding. I was hoping to get him on the 11am and have a fun ride but Ill take care of him, spend time.  Brushing him and as Cathy would say,
Spend the time "Hugging my horse".  It gave me time to walk with him, bring him over to the boarder barn and meet with Jim and Jered.
When I walked him over to the edge of the parking lot, he started to pick up the steps and walk much faster across the dirt.  Then we went around the outside ring and down the hill.  There was a point when he saw I was brining him over to the boarder barn.  He stopped and looked at the big Percheron, Jim.  He neighed so loud at him.
We then walked over.  He was slightly hesitant but then he came over to Jered on the back trail with Jared.  We didn't stay long over there.  Both Duke and Jim walked back and Jared was on his back.  I had to let them go in front of me because I know the power of huge Percherons.  I felt Id let him go ahead of us.  I had a chance to walk over for the 11am ride with everyone else and hung out a bit.  The ride left and then I brought Duke in the barn and hugged him so more. Dotted on him as he deseraved.  Got him some treats after the brushing and then worked on his tail to straighten it out.

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