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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Short stay, great grooming, apples and nice ride and trotting in the ring

Great fall day.  I loved my short ride at 11am today.  There were dirt bikes as we went out on the trails and I wanted to turn around an go back.  After a while when we got to the lake, I didnt hear them anymore.
They decided to break up the ride.  Theresa was going to take the walk ride alone.  I decided to go and bring up the rear with Duke.  I know he's very expereinced and I can trust him.  Im sure it was helpful.  The trot ride looked fun but I was happy.
Today I was considering going out alone but the wind makes me feel like waiting is ok.  so I decided to go out on the public ride.  Duke was happy about it.  The girls went out earlier with Sandy, Cathy, Laurie.   Yesterday Kanti had a stomache and she wasnt there today either.  I miss her.
This morning, they group came back to the ranch with a story of how they were cantering and Amy on came head first into a loose dog.  She said that Chiquita had given her a sign that there was danger ahead but she wasnt sensitive enough.  So she took a tumble head over the front of her on to the ground. I was so surprised that she hasnt decided to wear a helmut. She may decide to wear one now.

The ride was nice. Theresa went a way I hadnt gone exactly where we go up a hill between some rocks and loop by the old pipes.  When the horses went around to join back on the corner they all started to do a quick trot down the rocks next to the lake.  IT was very nice.

In the ring on Sunday, I got the stand and tried the shake trick form the exibit the week before and it seemed that Duke already knew it.  Im so proud of that guy.

At the end of the day, it has become difficult to have Duke walk back to go with his new herd.  Hes been a little difficult.  I have decided instead of an apple at Hello, I am going to give him an apple at the end of the day after he runs with me to the gate to go back.
On Sunday, walked back while I was returned to the tack barn to put his stuff away, I saw him walking behind me on the otehr side of the fence.  It excited me maybe he would maybe run.
I asked him to come next to me and I started run and gave a kiss noise,
Mr Clip Clop jumped to catch up to me on the other side of the fence and we ran together.
I was so excited, Hes a sweet guy.  Love that smart guy Duke.

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