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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Two Rides and some time riding alone

Duke was pretty happy to see me at 8435 today.  They were all hoping I was their riders and they would be getting some riding in.  Duke was pretty good, he really is funny about his listening to me. I finally found my lead line, Theresa said that her little girl Lizzie had been playing and she took it and put it someplace else.
SHes cute.
I was in before Barb.  I ran got Duke, he walked ok with me.  Then I got his gear and started to get him ready.  I am not happy to rush but I did ok.  Barb came over and the girls got the rid out early.  Its cool because I was getting ready and I was going to jump on Duke and catch up with the ride.  Kanti Pulled up and she grabbed Bogie and we had a very enjoyable walk then trot to meet up with Theresa, Barb and another two ladies.  It was fun.  Duke was happy to get trotting.  We kept up to the other ride and then at the long stretch before the bridge.  We then went the rest of the way back, walking.
The next ride.  I helped get all of the rides on, there were so many that they needed two rides.  It was Framingham State College and they were good kids.  They arrived on a big yellow bus.
Bob had his hands full getting them ready.
I went out with them too.  I stayed with the group at the water barrels and then zoomed back and joined the ride after Duke and I did some independent riding.  Duke only started to call out to the horses where we were alone a couple of times. I was proud.  When we joined up again with the walking ride. Kanti was with the walk ride and we walkd the rest of the ay.  At the beautiful area that we love to canter I tired to have Duke split off, He didn't want to.  We tried and tried. All of the rides past us the walk and the trot.  Still Duke was spinning and shaking his head. He also was stepping backwards.  I don't want to pull on his mouth I did get a little worried. After about 10 min we went around a few times
he stopped and tried to go back the way we came 3 times he paused I was getting a little worried.
Then a cyclist came out of the path from behind us.  I decided that we had spent enough time there and I have him trot the res of th way back.  He was ok with it.
I know he was getting tired.  I had a nice ride but Im worried about him listening.
We spend some time in the ring but I was seeing he may have been tired.
I decied to end the day, put hill back with his buddies so he could eat some hay and relax.
He got his apple and I brought his saddle back, after he dropped it a few times.
I was tired.  Anti gave me some stuff to sell at the Tack Sale.  Then I took off home.

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