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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Duke Saturday 30s this weekend -- Rested Up, worked on Final Sunday

Drove over to the farm to give Duke his apple, snacks and supplements.
It was so good to see him.
I went out to the field, as Bryce was traiiing Bentley in the outside ring with a friend.   He was running around like a good boy and she has the little training stick.  Hes a very nice little horse.
Anyway Duke was in the far end of the friend and as I called him he didnt really respond like sometimes.  I had a hair cut but I looks likek myself.  Jim on the other hand saw me and came over.  I gave him plety of scratches.  Duke noticed me and started over to get his scratchs and probably look for his apple.
Well Jim surprised me and snapped at Duke.  All wrong, I yelled at the bad boy Jim and shoed him off.
Well Duke picked up and started along with me.  He was excted and started to run for the first time.  I decided at first I would not run iwth him.  But each time he ask me to trot, I did it with him.  Although I was totally tired and felt terrible.  Duke was asking for treats with his voice like a good boy just like I like.  He was very well behaved.  Better and Laurie with Anja was at rail.  I brought Duke over to the rail to take snacks.  HE was so cute but he puts his butt over the long way and I think he tries to get his way.  Well I only brushed him only a little. I started to fail a bit.  Gave Duke his supplements, horse traxs and some love. Talking to Betty, Laurie and Amy about my trip was veyr interesting. I gave out brochurse to the group and I lent the new book by Samuel Rhodes to Better for a read.  She secretly told me that Anja was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.  She had been working with good horseman ship to help Anja grow to her new potential. I was pleased.
Anyway Sunday Im feeling too sick to go anywhere so Im not goign over to see Duke. Its disappointing but it will work for me.  I want to finish my paper and get better for next week.
I was lucky enough to be with him yesterday. Plus its too cold for me ouside.  

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