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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Little Sunday visit, I missed all the days excitement

Today I was not feeling very well in the morning and decided I was too sick.  After lots of water and some food I decided I felt good enough to go give Duke some snacks and his supplements.  I must have gotten there around 3pm.  Theresa said they had lots of disasters during the ay.  Jaxx slipped off the bridge and hurt himself terribly,  One of the Boarders was thrown off into a tree and was terribly hurt during a relaxing ride and I guess Apache may have stepped on Laurie's foot.  Betty filled me in before she left.   Her Anja went out on the ride at 3pm.  I could hear the dirt bikes in the woods.  I don't like it.  I was glad that I was just going to be doing Duke's hoofs, giving him senior snacks and racing around on the ground with him running.  He ran in the ring beautifully.

I went around the side of the band to see what was going on.  The Vet was with Jaxx who was heavily medicated at the rail with Katie.  Katie seemed cool as a cucumber.

Because Jaxx was sleeping they untacked the horses actually in the paddock and one by one Bob and Theresa took the saddles back into the take room.  I was leaving the barn out the side door, honestly because Bob had been such a jerk with Duke yesterday, I wasn't interested in seeing him at all.  But there he was in the tack room coming in as I was coming in form the barn area.  He greeted me like he was a nice guy or something.  Hi Jules, I said hi asked him how he was doing.  He said that things were not good today but that happens.    Theresa is so sweet she whispered, Thank you.  I wasn't sure why maybe for being nice at a tough day.  Its not hard to be nice near Theresa, she is lovely.

I went out with Duke in the outside ring, watching him graze, doing his hoofs with hoof hardening and giving him his snacks and supplements in his pan. I ran across the ring with Duke and also ran back and forth with Duke by my side.  He enjoyed the visit and so did I.  He's a good friend.

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