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Sunday, March 27, 2016

First English Trail Ride alone on the Trails with Duke, Happy Easter

Took a late day ride with Duke today,  He was good with the English saddle and wiht me too.  Im so proud of him and of me.

Went over late on Sunday, Easter Sunday.  I thought the gate might be closed.  The ride over was pretty cool I went through Billerica, Carlisle and then to Westward.  It may be a better way to drive. anyway the traffic was pretty light.  I got over after 2pm.  Kellie and Bryce was going out on the trails when I got there.  They waved and went out the back way as I got Duke from the herd. 
Bob was walking around from the back herd with Mariah, I think.  Some people came for a big visit to see about the farm because they would like to come for a trail ride soon.  I spoke with them for a while during the time I was at the rail wiht Duke brushing out his amazing amount of shedding fur.  Huge Clumps of hair.  I combed out a ton of hairs yeasterday and then today too.
They were cute, in a big shiney caddalac.  They talked to me for a while and then said they were coming aback from a trail ride soon.
After they left Bob jumped on Mariah at the ramp and then out the back way he went.  I was planning what I would do with Duke today.
I put on his english saddle.  I am starting to really like it.  Its a shame I have to give it to Mel to use.  Im not giving it to her to keep forever just to borrow for awhile.  I have fallen in love with it on Duke. 
Anyway, I quickly saddled him up and put on his bridle and decided Id try a hack around the farm to see how I stay on his back.  Last time I rode him it was in the ring. I have ridden him 3 times.  This time Im goint out on the trails, if it worked out with my test ride around the farm.  I have some pictures with him around the farm.  He responds so well to the two handed reining.  Much better than one hand.  I think he likes the feel of the English saddle with me too.
Anyway I climbed on the ramp.  He did give me a hard time during mounting, I yelled at him and pushed him around a bit.  He seemed to listen to me.  
I was nervous because its easy to just fall over off the saddle because it seems so slippery and I dont have a horn to hold on to.  I was not accidently holding his mane tightly when I mounted him.  I was able to get on Duke and he was prett good.

As we moved off the ramp area, Duke turned on his own to go the back way out of the area.  I was happy to see his enthusiasm.  We went ot the end and the gate was closed.
I turned him around using my new skills of two handed reining.
   We went out to the field and walked around it a bit.  I asked Duke to trot back up the hill on the way back to the trails.  He was good I wasnt sure if he was going to try to get me to go back.  Afer some encouragment, Duke went up into trails and we went out back way on the soft ground back trails.
As we were  walking after a while, I heard lots of noise I imagined it was either Kellie and Bryce or possibly Old Bob.  It was Old Bob, Prancing quickly with Maraih.  He didnt see me at all so I gave Mariah a command to Hoe.  Duke and I had stopped on the trail earlier because I didnt knwo when way I wanted to turing at that point.  
Well Bob yelled at his horse called it a name and then turned the coroner to me.  He said tha the wasnt calling me the swear, I think he called her stupid.  I think he was suprised ot see me on the trails.  I pretty much thin khe was suprsided to see me on the trails today.  

The rest of the ride was perfect, Duke didnt yell back at Mariah as she whinnied loudly after we passed Bob.  HE felt pretty cool passing her and Bob alone.  I told him we were not riding with Mariah but heading in our own direction.  I got to the area where Duke loves to walk where its very steep and narrow.  Duke loves that trail back to the barn. I let him choose it.  I think he loves that I let him choose his routes sometimes.  Well He trotted very carefully with me on a couple of straight awakes. I was very happy with how carefull he is wiht me.   We went back over the two bridges so he also enjoed that too.  I was very proud and althugogh ti was a little hack, it was an excellent ride where I felt just GREAT with his and my progress.  So proud of he and I together on the trails.

Next lesson I think I woujkld love to have her at Bobs to work with me and Duke. Im not sure if she would like that but now that Im working with him and my own progress, It makes sense for me to owrk with her.  Maybe I could work with Duke in a field and Kelsey could come with me.
I need to improve how I move with Duke.  Imrpove how I sit, my seat whne I am working with him in the Saddle.   I would be very happy to have her give me an evaluation on how to work wiht him.

At the endo f the ride, I needed to jump off Duke and I remembered how Kelsey said to take my shoes out of the stirrups and then slide down off him.  It was great.  The saddle was nice and tight and I almost feel that jumpoing on the saddle from the ground that I need to have spring in my step to get on him from the ground.  Grapping his mane hair then jumping in the stirrup.
Below is a picture of Duke as I opened the gate near the boarder barn on the way back.  It was cool As I was runnign with Duke back to the Barns to the next gate near the field.  Kellie and Bryce came behind me soon asfetrr I closed the gate.  They began to canter up and I opened and closed the next gate for them.  As I opened the gate, Duke walked through like he was all going to take off on me and then I telled to him to Hoooh.  He listened and stopped at the top of the hill.  Kellie and Bryce saw him listen, it made me feel so good that hey cared that I needed him to listen.  They also saw him run iwth me without a lead line alongside me.  We ran along from the barns.  I was very happy to be iwth him today.  Its such an amazing feeling that he listens and trys to keep up iwth me.  I gave him treats to reward him.
Later after I put him back into the herd, I was talking to the Kellie and Bryce, then as I gave a snack to Pedro, and Duke over in the herd way over in the field, Duke gave me a couple of words. 

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