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Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 11th 2 rides w/Terry & Group PLUS March 12th Lesson w/Selena and English Duke Ride


Ride with the Group then out alone with Terry and Marley

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Little mama lamb passed away this week.  I was so sad to hear. I loved her.  She was so sweet and gentle and I always felt it was unfair to keep her with a bully male sheep.  I think she should have been fixed so she could enjoy not having a baby that would kill her.  It obvious to me that it was terrible for her.  I cannot communicate how sad it makes me feel that I couldn’t do anything for her.  I loved to have Peanut butter cracker with her.  I didn’t even like peanut butter but I bought huge amounts of peanut butter crackers so I would have them in my trunk each week to share with her.  She was part of my experience at the farm.  I always believe it was more thank just the horses there.  Sometimes I feel bad for Bob because he’s alone and loves the animals He said to the girls from Chelmsford farm that the little animals were his only friends and he would not sell the donkeys, goats, sheep, chickens or minis.  When he lost the little chicken last year that hid her egg so she could have a baby, he was very sad.  I’m not sure what makes him happy, he is so angry.  A couple of weeks ago he yelled at me and to the strap to Duke.  He was trying to help me but it was the wrong thing to do.  Duke is amazing and Ill figure his out on my own time.
This weekend I felt no problem getting the English saddle out and testing it on Duke.  He shown so brightly in the old saddle.  It makes me excited to go to the Aussie with him and to learn how to work with Duke in his own language.  Kelsey told me that horses can get bored and when you change things up for them its exciting.  He may have been bored of western riding years of trying to ride for the trail riders. I’m pretty sure they had beaten him up a bit.
I think if I improve my form on him I will soon be a better trail riding too. 
Saturday was a nice day with Cassie and Terry on the guide ride.  After last week’s excitement I would imagine that a close to home ride may be a good thing for anyone.  The peepers were so loud over the water, it was beautiful.  The deer that had died on the ice and spooked all of the horses was gone.  Cassie said that it was brought deep into the woods on the hill. 
A story like that was very interesting on Sunday sharing with Kelsey.  She tells me stories of the horses that are used for show and for lessons are pretty much stall then out to lesson then some outside grazing time and then back to stalls.
I would grow so bored of this if I were a horse.
After the beautiful trail ride I was able to stop before the hill Duke loves and turn him back to the boarder barn area and Terry and I went on a 1/1/2 high ground trail ride.  We took the trails they were soft but I’m still taking it easy on Duke.  We really enjoy the leafy paths and the muddy ones you need to be careful about stepping on.  The straightaway was a little soft but we only went to the turn back on the left side that Duke loves the hill on.  As soon as we got to the straight away there was a brightly colored ATV coming head on, I stayed on the trail and Terry said should we turn back and I said No Duke looks large and he was standing in defiance sort of and he continued to walk to ward the direction of the atv.  Well the ATV back off and turned around.  I couldn’t be happier.  We continued and had a great ride Bobs Trails and then the two bridges and back through he boarder barn area.  IT was prob about 1 ½ miles.

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