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Monday, June 13, 2016

Big day Sunday I had to make sure that Duke got his 2 miles

I wanted to get over to Greenwood and get Duke out for a walk.  This one was more structured than any others.  Its great with his fly mask and plenty of spray.
There was a problem though, I got Duke from his Paddock, its very nice I like it alot, and brought him into Krystin. I asked her what she thought of how he was feeling.  I let her know that Dave was coming beginning of next week (monday or Tuesday) he told me.  She felt his hoof and it was warm.  She showed me that his cuticle of his hoof was damaged.  Im trying to figure out how it would get damaged.  I think mabye its the excessive water they stand in at Bobbys. Anyway I coudnt figure it out.  She said she'd like to get her Mom over for a look after we came back.  I said ok. I asked her if any walking would be bad for him.  She said its good for him. I mentioned that he seems uncomfortable, she said we would look at him.
Duke and I went out on the field that I like across the street and through the rocks.  He was so dam excited when I first brought him there that he was almost uncontrollable.  Well this time I was really going to disipline him.  Well not quite.  The joister was in the arena so I coujldnt warm him up in there. I walked him around but hes so crazy about grass that it makes me mad at him.  I loaded my bandana iwht hoofsnax and we went out.

I have a little game we both like to play on the trails.  I walk then run with him and then when I say loadly, Woah!  hes stops wicked quick.  I give him hoofsnax and let him eat a littel bit of grass.  This went on for a while until he wanted to run and get the snack and sometimes didnt get fresh with the grass.  Otherwise this grass is making him terrible fresh. I cant wait til the cut it.
When we got bakc i felt his hoof, it was cold like it was suppose to tbe.  Krystin wanted to get her mom Bonnie to take a look.  A little while later, Bonnie came back she was concerned.  I brought him into the stable and bonnie took a look.  She said the shoeing was not good, Bad Shoeing she said.  She asked me to walk him.  She said he looks good its just that hes uncomfortable walking on his heels I think she said.  She said to get on the phone and let Dave know you want him there as soon as he can.

I felt good that they were worried about my big guy.
He was so rambumtious in the fields that I know he'll be feeling better soon.
I hate leaving Greenwood to go home. Seems like since I came here I dont spend as much time.  Maybe it will get better.

Bonnie said to hose off Duke's hoofs with cool water.  there was plenty and its encouraged.  I hosed him for 10 minutes or so.  Im hoping hes feeling better,  Krystin said same as yesterday.

Oh by the way Amy wants to buy the old saddle for Lexi, I figured id give them a wicked deal on the whole thing, at cost probably.

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