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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Friday night drop by Greenwood

Driving into Greenwood is amazing 
Had to go see Duke on a Friday night but so much school work and I could only stay for a little while, maybe an hour and half.
I was able to walk Duke in the arena, train him to stay put while I work on the mounting block, took him oustide to walk around and eat grass, put hardner on his feet, brushed him out, picked his feet.

Marnie and Duke dont really like each other, killing stall walls hard, Duke's going to move next to Fancy -)  It'll work out

Did Dukes feet with the hardener, hes on cross ties, I dont think he likes em.  He pulls on them tight, brushed him out

I really like no halter on him

It was just me last night for about 1 1/2 not too shabby

Love driving up to see this guy at my parking spot window
Tons of hay in the stalls for the whole group

Always looking for snacks

Sunset with grazing outside the arena door

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