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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Too short, 2 miles and some block rules then rain

Christina's little Mason's Welcome party, hes 3 weeks old and MaryJo invited everyone over to meet him.    It was nice but it was 2-4 and I had to come home early.

I went over to the barn about 11am and left about 1215.
I was pretty motiviated, they were cleaning up the barn.  Krystin was working very had to get the job done then she would give Hannah her lesson. She told me that Marnie and Duke are not happy next to each other.  They are going to move Duke next to Fancy.  I took a quick little pic of her.  She big just like him.  She said she notices hes lonely.  He misses his buddies.  While I was in the big field with him he calls out into the woods and fields for the other herd.  I know he really missed them.
Stacie said she was feeling terrible tonight and they all stayed with her until she felt better or maybe pooped.

I am so happy to see Duke in the paddock, hes so sweet he comes over as soon as I can see him.  Hes got the grass fever though.  As soon as he can he aggressively grabs the grass and bites it hard pulling it so fast and powerful like.
I warmed him up in the Arena about 3 rounds first and then out to the fields.  I chocked up 2 miles with him.  Im glad to see that hes getting warmed.
Stacie showed up with Hannah and she got the other horse tacked up and then she tacked up Townes.  Hannahs Lesson

I took him out and walked him on the non-grass areas around the back of the barn.  He was looking ok. I know hes got to get the stiffness out of his leg.  I decided after a little bit more walking I went out to the field on the other side.   Duke was pretty happy. The walk was good and we actually got to the point where he was walking good w/o stealing grass and i would give him a hoof snax if he wouldnt steal grass.  He did ok and I gave him a snack each time.
There were big trucks that came by and dropped off soemthing behnd the barn.  As we came out of the field they were rounding the corner.  The truck guys insisted on letting me cross with Duke.  It just gave Duke an excuse to eat grass aggressively.  Im not sure Ill ever want to really take him into the fields, hes just want to each the whole time.

We went back and Hannah was getting her lesson. Stacie tacked up Townes and then it started raining.  I went and got Duke to put him in the stall before the rain.  These guys dont keep the horses out in the rain.  pretty cool.

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