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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dr Craig Dave Edmunds, Bonnie and Krystin helping with Duke feel better

Bonnie, Krystin, Dr Craig and Dave all together helped get Duke feeling better again.  I texted Krystin to see if Duke had taken the last of the Bute and she said that she hadnt given him any since the last Monday.  I was worried about how Duke was walking and feeling.  After I had such a great weekend earlier with walknng the beautiful trails on the fields and playing the great games we play in the field, Duke came out after feeling terrible.  He had gone overboard in the fields and now he was feeling terrible.  During the week, Dave had come back out and trimmed his front hoofs a little bit different and closer so that they were angled.  He still didnt feel better.  I told Krystin I was calling Craig and she said lets wait one more day.  I called him and made an appt and Dave came too.  Craig came over at 11:30 and Dave was even eariler. He spoke iwth Craig, Bonnie and Krystin.  He called me in my car and gave me all the info he had.  When I got there Dr Craig did the examination with Bonnie, Krystin and Me.  I walked Duke out a few times.  He asked me if Duke always walked like this.  I said no this was really bad.  He asked me about how often I saw Duke, I said 2 or so times a week.  He said that he was looking very lame and that its been a huge amount of changes for Duke.  He prescribed Provacox for 2 weeksn and then he told me that the supplements and the new Farrier plus the change in routine where Duke was watched hardly at all to a report on how he was ffeeling and walking everyday.  Dr Craig thiks that I wasnt getting any real reports on Duke during the past year and now that I was we were responding to them.
In one more week we will see how Duke's feeling.  Dave didnt charge a thing and Dr Craigs bill including the pain pills, 182.00.  MOney will spent for what I get for the value.

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