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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Just a quick visit with April and Mel

Although it was a Friday and I had to do so much extra stuff, I also brought home 2 pizzas.  Ate up, swam and the girls were going to leave to drive back to NH.  I aske dthem if they wanted to take a real quick ride to Greenwood.  Its funny but April was like the first one to say "yes".  The whole way we went to get pokestops and caught lots of pokemons.  We had a great fast ride to GW.  We Brought lots of snacks and was able to go visit Duke with the girls.  We brought carrots and Hoofsnax.  The girls met all of the horses and I took the gates open for Duke and for Townes.  The girls loved Duke they think hes so big.  Tina told me when they got back home they let her know how much they loved the barn.We went back after about 25min and the girls left back home before dark.

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