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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Peaceful cloudy Sat and Sunday at Greenwood - alone

Great weekend both Saturday and Sunday.


Went over to Bobbys on Saturday around 12 noon.  As I pulled in I parked under the crab apple tree.  I needed to give the helmet to Cassie.  Cam and my helmut got switched. I had been wearing a navy blue medium and Cam had the large.  Cassie noticed it seemed too big and check it.  Shes a smart lady she found the one that was mine and figured out tha maybe we got them switched. I have her the helmet right away.  I talked to Theresa and Cassie then went into the tack shed met Theresa's new boyfriends Son.  Saw Kelly Bryce.  Then went into the big barn where Bryce was washing Shawnie down from the red white and blue paint that she painted her for the 4H rodeo.  I hung out with Val, hugged Apache.  He responded to me by snuggling.  I was pretty happy to have his affection.  Val said that Tonto was feeling bad in the hoof and that Dave was coming in the morning.  We hung out a bit.   I saw Bobby he was working with the hay.  It was looking like it was difficult to manage.  He was bringin the hay from the trucks to the 1st barn at entrance plus trying to feed the boarder horses.
Every one said that they missed Duke and I.  I let them know I was going to be coming for a trail ride soon.  
Back at GW I enjoyed so much peace.  I tacked up Duke in his stall.  It was kinda cool out.  I put on the english saddle. I knew it may be a problem getting on him with the english  At least I can hold on to the horn when getting on the western.  But today I need to work with Duke on the mounting block.  Its going slowly. I didnt use the treats on Saturday. I didnt give up and was very worried about not having that a handle on the saddle.  I didnt give up and finally got him to stand still and I jumped on him with no grace at all.  Thats when I do my best.  We rode a while in the arena, I know he has to warm up and then walk.  We did a walk that was good enough but not what I would like.  Duke still seems like he hates riding with me. I know he'll go crazy when we get on the grassy trails.
I loved my time with Duke.  


Was pretty excited to go over to the barn.  When there are no cars at Greenwood I feel fortunate. It means just him and Me.  Because of the clouds and the weather forecast of rain, the horses were all in their stalls.  I had an appple for Duke but I gave some to Townes, they split it actually.  had a second apple and I gave bites to all of the horess before I left.  I had some of the older snacks from Nevins and agve them to everyone there a few times.
I went into the stall with Duke and this time I was going to tack him in the walk way of teh barn.  I was shooting for riding bareback in the ring.  After many minutes of trying to get on him. I decided that I was wasting valuable time that we could be working out.So I started to walk Duke around then kept trying to mount him with the mounting block.  What neded up happening is I formed a new game to keep him going.  I called it cone.  So the game was that I put a cone in the arena in the middle of the ring, then me and Duke stood together and I said Cone Duke Cone adn ran toward the cone and around with my left hand out, Duke ran like I had never seen him along with me as I went around the cone and ran back.  After a few times, when I said Cone, Duke's eyes lit up and he at one point was running and literally kicking up his heels with excitement to be playing with me.  This made me feel so wonderful. I was really delighted, I thnk he was playing with me as if I was one of his friends.  I felt a closeness that I had not felt while being in at Bobby's Ranch.  I definetly feel like Duke is excited to see me when I get there and also he knows I am his owner, just me.  This feeling is not like anything I have felt before.  At Greenwood I am part of Duke's life and part of taking care of him too.

Playing with Duke in the Arena was very fun.  I played with my friend Sunday.
Poor Townes has a hoof bruise Stacie said.  He looked pretty good when I saw him but she said that hes walking painfully.
I took Duke out for awalk around and to hose his hoofs and give him a quick shower after our fun too.

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