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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Warm summer Evening visit to Greenwood

Came over to visit my guy on Thursday night, just wanted to share some hoofsnax and get the flyspray in the container and also I had heard the horrible news about Winnie's collic.  When I got there is was totally quiet and dark.  It was late, dusk.  Duke made a snicker when I pulled up to his window.  IT was dark totally dark, but I liked it that way.   gave  everyone snacks in our ailse, I like that Fancy is next to Townes. I think she likes him. When Im in his stall she comes over to be with us.  I went  in and checked his hoofs, and I brushed him.

I thought alot in the darkness of the barn how lucky I am with Duke.   Winnie had just been purchased from a family who was sort of loaning her to Krystyn and the barn, she had been at the barn for years on free lease.  Winnie is an important part of the barn, she is the one and only lesson horse. Also a nice lady named Scotti had been leasing her also.  Hannah also had been taking lessons,and gotten so far built confidance etc.  It almost seemed as though all those wonderful people in Winnies life but none of them owned her.  Talked to Krystyn today to let her know how sad I was about Winnie but that I had thought of her as Krystyns horse.  Krystyn said, yes she did feel like Winnie was hers. I gave her 5 of my sunflowers in a nice container.
Back to Thursday, They all drove to Turfts in Grafton Mass following Winnie in the trailer.  Dr Craig had given them the "its time" you need to move fast when its Colic..  The cars were out on the side of the barn in the dark.  All of the horses had a feeling of anxiousness.  I love that I was able to give them carrots and hoofsnax.  This barn is pretty special.
I was there in peace in the dark, for a while with duke in his stall.  Then, the empty trailer with the cars following. Krystyn was there.  Scotti and soem other people too.  I stayed away near Duke while they all settled back.  The word tha tnight was that most likely Winnie could get better.  The next day they learned that she was too sick and died after saying good bye to Bonnie, Krystyn and Scotti.
After they left except Scotti was over at the edge talking to a lady.  I got in my car and counted my blessings.  Its so sad to know that the family lost their sweet little girl.  Krystyn called her "Girlie"  I like that alot.
THe whole way home I sort of was in another world thinking about how blessed I was and that each day is a gift and you never know about tomorrow.

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