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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Went to meetUp unplanned too early, Hot, buggy, but Duke and I did it all

  • Was going to have an easy going visit on Sunday because I had Christina and Kelly over on Saturday.
  • But . . . STacie texted me at 730am.  She said to sneak out and have a "quick hack".  I saw it a little bit later and said I Needed coffee and stuff.  I never wanted to go that early or w/o a shower coffee etc.
  • Because of the big rush, at the barn I became anxious, Hoping not to make Duke anxious too.  I usually waarm up Duke for about 10min before going out. The rush feeling I was getting to get out and tack up was pressured that I didnt warm up Duke and then like jerk,  I forgot to fly spray him.  And if that wasnt enough I didnt have a fly mask.  This made things complicated. He did that thing with his head shaking and shaking up and down after we got into the field.  About half way down the first field, Stacie stopped to mess with her camera for a while.  As we stopped waiting Duke took this as a distraction and really acted up with his head and became like he had been attacked by horseflies. His head was waving up and down quickly and it was difficulut.  I wasnt very happy with this idea and then I was thinking I didnt want my first trip out with Duke to be like this was going. All the times I took him out and then this. I thought I better go back and spray him.  I was also worried about his meds.
  • Duke and I went back. I decided that I really didnt like how the ride was going and I had better ride Duke alone for the first ride. We contiued to ride but instead it was back to the barn.
  • We rode around the farm in the back I wanted him to walk up to his paddock, Duke was getting to the point where I was getting mad at him because of his attitude.  I had not seen him like this.  I know that very soon, I will need to give him a Guide Ride, where I get all over him and make him do what hes told.   But with an audience and all of the comments, including ;putting video on FB, I know its not that right environment for working with Duke. Over the past frew weeks, Duke had done such a nice job in the arena.  I dont like how things were going while I am not alone, "Note to self, Duke and I train alone".  Dont need any comments that wont help, just not a positive method.
  • I took him around the farm and then in the arena for quite a while.  He hit his 2+miles.  
  • Then I jumped off him, untacked him quick and went and showered him off.  
  • It was fun, As I sprayed off his hoofs and body, I realized.  Hes changed so much, he put his head in the stream of water and then while I was hosing his neck he opened his mouth with cute teech to grab some water.  Hes amazing with water now.
  • After last week playing the game in the arena, "Cone" back and forth running, I felt like he actually enjoyed playing around with me.  I see him running behind me as I run along.
  • Then this week, we walked up to the paddock and played together he ran around behind me as I was goofing around with him in his paddock.  Then all of a sudden, he threw himself down and then rolled and rolled and rolled.  He was so cute and filthy.  I was delighted.

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