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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Snowy foggy Duke went into a Canter in back field

What a day at the barn.  I didnt have a helmut on when I was in the field.
I got there early enough, Bonnie had texted me to see if I had gone to the barn the day beffore during a storm where we got about 6 inches of snow. I told her that I hadnt been over and asked he what had happened and is Duke ok.  She said Duke was fine, he had just taken the door off the stall and was out in the aisle of the barn.
[The thing I was thinking is that if Duke wanted to get out of the stall because of an emergency, he could do it. He also might be able to save the other horses if something was wrong and they all needed to get out.  Hes a smart guy and knows right from wrong.  He knows also that in the winter, horses should be outside.  He wants OUT!  Im proud of him letting them know that they better get him out or he'll take the door off.  Good Boy!]
Back to being at the barn with Duke.
I saw that I was able to walk around and Duke did not get mad when I walked over to see Manny in the arena with Kristin his owner.  There was a sweet lady named Christine who is leasing Johnny.  She was brushing him out and she said that she rides on Sunday mornings and she goes outside. I did not see her outside ever when we were over there on most Sundays. She said she'd be interested in going out if we were there at the same time.  Scotti showed up and walked in after I had brushed out Duke and had his saddle all ready.  I like tacking him in his stall, I have lots of space and its private.  I finisned getting him ready and walked out to see how Scotti was doing. She was in the ring already.  I was getting Duke's bridle on and he giving me a wicked hard time, it made me laugh. I think that I gave him the apple right away and it may have spoiled him a bit.
Well I was going to see how Scotti was doing and Patti was helping her down off of Doc, she was feeling dizzy.  When she got there she told me that shes been struggling with Vertigo.  I was thinking that if she was not riding Id go right out into the snow and ice with Duke since he has his winters.  Hes been in for a few days and this way he will want to go right out there.  I really didnt spend any time making sure she was ok so I better make sure that Im a little bit more helpful next time.
I used the block of Stacies to try and get on. Duke acted like a total jerk.  Even Lily was laughing at me and him as I tried to get on him.  He backed up too many times.  I asked Patti to hold his mount.  He was a jerk.  As soon as I got on we were in the field to the right.  He waded into the deep icy puddles in the field.  He stopped so many times on the way to the corner field.  He slowly walked gazing into the woods.  He smells the coyotes and he worries. I believe he may even see them at night through is window.
He slowly moved toward the corner and walked he actually stopped many times to turn to go back. I kept on him as we continued around the edge.  We walked as the fog rolled out of the woods.  Duke walked slowly as he thought that something was in the fog. Truly erie for us today.  Hes stalled so many times.  He definately does not like going into the field by the strange trailers.  I believe that we will from now on go into the scary field to the right and then go across tehe street and behind the Greenwood houses to around the back field.  Soon Im going to go into the field that is behind the large field to the right. Id like to explore the field that I see when I pass the bike path on the left.
Anyway, Duke was giving me the backing up thing but I am on him.  His apprehension in the field felt like he may break out into a run back to the barn.  The fog rolled in.  As we went up the hill Duke was still gazing into the woods.  When I went by Bonnies house she came out and yelled at me to keep to the edge of the feilds. I told her that I was on the edge.  She went back into the house.   As I went by the house in the snow, Duke didnt even blink at the boat because of the wind and fog.  We got to the edge of the field Duke stopped and again tested me to see if I would continue to get on him and kick him, he crossed.  As we went over to the right to go behind the houses Duke again gave me a hard time.  As he stopped and would not go into the grass, snow ice, with deep water.  I pulled him around and to the left to walk the side of the road.  He did good. I was disappointed that we would not go into the woods and the big field.  As we went down the road, Duke was great.  We got to the end and I steered him into the path near the opening of the big feild.  He was terrible, backing up again, giving me shit, refusing to go forward. I spoke gently and asked him nice.  It wasnt working.    I decided to go back the way of the road and Duke went into the snow very gently.  He liked the snow under his hoofs.  During our walk especially when we got deep into the field that has the woods, Duke stopped and yelled into the woods to see if another horse was going to answer.  He misses his friends so very much.  I think that possibly he would like to rdie with Sky sometime soon.  He walked into the water, ice, snow and grass.  He did great.  We went into the back yard of the Greenwood brother and Duke trotted when asked.  He tugged a few times during the walk where he thought he would steal grass.  I know that he cant steal unless he has permission.  As we rouded the back field as we did last weekend, Duke was getitng into the groove of being out and also forgetting to be a little jerk.  It felt like last year at Bobbys.  I think hes come full circle.  Hes almost while I was on the trail, made me feel like the old days.  He was definately feeling it too.  He was gladly going into the woods.  As we went into the woods, Bonnie sent me a text that asked me where my helmut was and I hadnt I worn it. I told her I actually forgot it because I had a hat on I didnt remember.  She said that because of insurance she could get screwed, I let her know that I hadnt forgotten it before and I promised not to again.  I had no intention of not wearing one and was truly sorry.  She said it was ok.  I would never want anything to happen to anyone.

Bottom line on this guy:

  • He got out of the stall when locked up too long
  • Listened to me about going into the field.
  • Kept going through lots of deep water, ice and snow just to be a good boy
  • Doesnt like the field next to the trailers as an entrance.
  • Likes to cross the street next to Bonnies
  • Doents like the Coyote area and the foggy woods
  • Can canter and might be happy to get "out there" this winter
  • All of our work to strengthen him up has paid off, arena, fields, walking ground work, being with me in the fiels
  • He can even bend his head back (to get a celebratory mint after the cantor.  Good boy
  • Oh yeah, I cant pat him on the mane when he listens to me too much or he'll stop.  Only a good boy and a quick pet will do for him

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