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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Xmas Eve 2016

Remembering last Christmas Eve seemed so much different than my trip over to see Duke, Saturday morning, Christmas Eve.  I saw the group getting the horses ready, Krystyn, Bonnie, her Dad brothers.  I came right into the barn and greeted who I think it Krystyns Dad.  He was very friendly.  It was raining outside but I wanted to get Duke 2 miles as agreed.  He was so cute as I walked in and talked to him. I put up his first stall covered storage thing.  I thought about riding in the arena, its possible.  I got the brush and saw that there was a treat from Safari, a large peppermint and a nice tag "From Safari".  It made me feel great.  Well I had Dukes salt, his treats and I got him ready.  The man I think is KRystyns dad said he would be taking the little vehicle out of the aisle and then I could work wtih Duke to go out to the arena.  I hurried all of the hugging etc that I was doing, put his halter on and couldnt find his lead line so used an old stredded one that someone put on the stall.  We started towalk and walk to get his time in.  I was seeing Duke really skipping along and trotting fast. I was trying to see what was going on.  He at one point in the circle after the barn door on the right would actually rear up so high I was actually frightened.  I asked him to relax and keep on task,

 I heard Scottis voice as she was at the board.  She said, Jules he really wants to roll.  Well she was right I took off his lead line and he bolted making the most amazing spurts into the area throughing his amazing weight and his back legs went crazy into the air.  Wow I was so excited.  
Scotti put in Doc and I could see that Duke was disappointed to see that Doc was sort of avaiding his space. I really wanted to have Duke relax.  Scotti talked alot about how nice it is to have Doc and Duke friends.  Well Im kinda a one horse woman and dont always appreciate Doc bugging Duke.
Well it went ok but I tolk Scotti that its part of his recovery to keep him walking at least 2 miles everytime I see him. She saw that Doc was getting out of hand int he arena and she was feeling kinda terrible.  She took him out and I finsied his walk 2 miles good job.
Then we walked outside into the rain so that Duke could eat the delicous grass. Then we walked around to the front.  I had such a nice time I took him over to the other edge and he waded into the water to get the best grass he could find in the water and snow.  He was very happy.
I put him back into the stall and asked him to please say. As I was leaving I saw that someone has placed a little bag on Duke's hook.  It was a handmade ornament from Scotti.  I gave Krystyn and Bonnie the chololcate horses, Bonnie scratch tickets and Krystyn 20 bucks.  It was very nice.

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