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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Forecast 58 degrees, 40 mph winds, plus the ladies got Duke's halter off

Duke was wild as the wind with the blowing at 40 gusts.  So exciting

What a nice day today.  When I got there I got right to Duke, pulled him from the paddock.  Kathyn was there and she had Brye, it was nice because Scotti was giving Bre a ride on Doc.  Scotti was nice and she was hapving Bry ride Doc.  I got Duke ready, put his new storage thing on the door and put the other one over on the other stall.  Duke was good, I kept tugging on his line to make sure he doesn't steal grass.  He didn't get grass until he was done later.  It worked out. good he got a mint on the back frield before we met up with Stacie.

I had lots of probs with him mounting.  The side door was open and at one point I just got my ass on hm.  We went out the side door and he walked proudly past the other horses and Stacie too.  We went out the front and over to the side barn into the wet field.  Duke was good until we got to the trash by the piles there was weird items piled and some fencing.  Duke was acting up during the ride.  Backing up, siding and trying to not walk.  Hes kinda fresh.  When we finally got back to walk and came around sure enough 3 deer in the woods made some sounds and their beautiful tails were up running.  He was trying to tell me that the animals were there.  I think that Duke really likes the deer.  Its cool to see them respect the other animals in the woods. Their beautiful tails huge white so big as they ran up the hill in the woods.  It was hard to keep Duke from watching everything into the woods instead of watching himself run along the field.  I think that the Coyotes have gotten to him.
 Honestly had a heck of a time calming him down.  He kept his pace quicker than I have ever seen him at this property. I was feeling no resistance to have him cross at the boat at the street.  He kept to the edge of the grasses and went behind the houses.  He was not comfortable but kept going. I was going to have him run the back edge with a grass reward.  IT didn't work too much mud.  We went around and he had an amazing pace quicker and quicker.  We got to the woods and he was very happy to run through the wooded areas into the 3rd field.  Its a great feeling. I finally feel like we have a pattern that he understands. He was very happy to run in the woods.  He stopped 3 times to yell toward what h e thinks is Bobbys.  He yells with all of his might into the woods.  We went through faster than ever and out into the field we went, I tried to stop him for a grass break and h e was all piss and vinegar.  I let him go. He trotted with an ok pace not bad and then he went to the end.  I stopped him and gave him the yummy mint.  He stopped being so serious and really stretched to get the snack.  Too funny.  I was glad he was relaxing a bit.  Then we came to the end and a huge hawk was on the branch over our head.  It was a sound through the trees and I saw it was Stacie with Townes.  She was just ok about being out with him. She was having a terrible time with him. I thought I was having a problem and then I saw how bad Townes was for Stacie bucking and acting like a total jerk.

  Duke was ok he cares only about himself and getting back to Bobbys sometime.  Well I went along way behind Townes he was miserable.  We went back. The crazy thing was that when we followed along the path back round to the 2nd field, Duke was so high strung acting that he pulled and pulled he wanted to run. Run into the wild wind. IT was that kind of day.  Gusts scaring the animals.  He pulled so bad that I was telling him woah and Kathryn got excited as she had Babe out with Bryane, she stopped and took a pic.  She was excited to see Duke like that.  He was blowing in the wind and pulling to run. 

I was pleased as punch, we came into the stable We went in to the side of the barn and I jumped off and took out the bit and gave him a peppermint.  He was happy and I think proud.  I brought him righ tback ot the paddock and gave him the apple.  He smiled I think.
I spoke with Kathrn and STacie went over to say goodbye.  Even the grain truck came.
PLUS the girls (mares)  took off his halter, he loved every mnute of it.  What a push over guy.  Ha Ha Mares taking advantage.

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