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Sunday, March 19, 2017

4:30pm Duke was chewing on hay inside

Only Manny's Kristin was in the barn when I got there, she had already put Duke into his stall and he was very happy to eat. She had Lily all penned in the aisle of the barn and Kristin looks like she has her hands full.  I went into Duke's stall and got his brushes and spray started brushing out his tail.  He needs lots of brushing when its spring time.  I shoveled out some poop and was going to take him in the arena.  As I was going in Stacie Mike Hannah and her brother came in their bronco.  Stacie was saying that Hannah needed to ride. I kinda thought that I could ride Duke bareback today in the arena.  Even though the sun was beautiful and it would have been better to be outside.

I really should have gone in the outside ring with Duke.  It would have been nice but, if everyone saw me they would want to go out there too and then it would ruin it for Duke and I.
Anyway, I walked Duke around the center arena and I was totally unhappy with Stacie and Mike hovering around the arena. I didn't want to try to get up on him with Hannah running and cantering around the outside. It was not comfortable for me especially because I was trying to ride bareback. I did walk him arouond the ring, I know he felt a little bit uncomfortable with her riding crazy around the edges.  I like when other people share the ring but Im not sure about tonight.
Anyway I decided to bring him outside. I had put the bareback pad on and had the reins. I was feeling like he was doing pretty good.
We walked around outside and then went out the driveway.  There was a car coming down the road and Duke was acting really great. We crossed over to the driveway and walked out to the field. I let Duke graze the edges of the snow for what little grass there was out there.  He got it all.  then I led him to the snowbank we both jumped over.  He started to walk fast and we went ot the edge field and he started to chew on the edges or the grass and leaves.  It was pretty fun.  We went back through the field and then Duke dug a little bit with his hoof and then he dug and dug spun and rolled in the snow. It was beautiful. I was happy as a clam. We walked back behind the tractor shed and around to the back end of the field and barn. We came around the edge of the back. I was going to take him behind but he ackted like he wasn't comfortable so we turned around ate a little bit of grass at the edgeg of the barn and we went inside.  There Manny and Enzo was getting their hoof soaked.  Duke was happy hanging out and getting some hay from the fresh bales on the edges.

We talked a little bit with Manny and Kristin and back he went into the other side and in his stall to eat his yummy hat.  I gave him some more carrots. He was happy and I left.  Good night Duke.

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