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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Earlier today, peaceful in the barn and out on the field

The temps are keeping in the 30s so its better to go over to the barn and hang out.  Today Scotti was in the arena I figured Id go out on the trail or fields.  As I getting out of my car and walking up to the barn, Duke saw me and started talking to me to come get him.  :) Said hi to Scotti got the tack and got Duke out of the paddock in 2 seconds. Its totally full of deep water and the mud is uncomfortable looking. I was happy to get him out of there.
Put Duke on the cross ties and then tacked him up.  I was scratching his neck and he was so content.  I put the saddle on and we went out to the front of the barn.  I positioned him against the soda machine and then stuck 2 treats in his mouth and jumped on him. We headed out to the field in the main area and off we went. He was little hesitant because of all the mud.  We went out and around and he trotted a few times.  When we start to walk he was staring into the woods. As I was talking to him he became a little bit more comfortable. We went around and then out to Bonnies house Duke kept a great pace and then we went around the boat and down the side of the road on the soft dirt  When we got to the tractor hay barn I let him go behind it. I was stern about no munching grass. 

Then we got to the front of the barn, I jumped ofrf put his tack down and he was ready to relax and graze at the ede of the field. it was nice.  Scotty talked to me while Duke munched.  He was so happy.
Scotti left and I relaxed with the big guy and took pictures as well as shared somem relaxing stall time drinking water and eating snacks. It was a long time having a peaceful relaxing time until Pattie came to spend some time with Sienna. We talked a bit it was nice to see her. I was finishing up and then as I was ready to leave, Mike, Hannah, Stacie Bonnie and Krystyn came in the driveway. I was ready to leave and go eat some yummy stew at home.  Great day  <3

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