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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Just a little workout on a Sunday afternoon

Popped over around 4-ish to see that guy.  The big guy was in his stall eatin hay.  I took him out in the arena, I asked him if wanted to roll.  He watched my bag he knew it had apples in it. He then followed me around and we did the drill where he stands (sorta) and then I give him an apple.  We walked again for the 1-mile plus.  It was really fun, he walks after I get over to the other side of the arena.  Then he runs over while I start to run away . . .  then I give him his apple piece. I was alone the whole time.  When I got there the young girl who does the Sunday feedings was leaving.  She had a new car, Jeep said she just got her license.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

NH in the day but heading over to GW at about 7pm.

The barn was closed and dark, no other cars.  This week's snow was melted and the moon was out.  I stopped to atke a pic of the barn as I drove into the driveway open area.   The sand was mud soft and my car sank.  I quickly backed up over to the hay barn.
When in office turned on all lights, had a bag of apples cut up with several carrats.  I took the carroats and gave them out to everyone in the side of Duke's side of the banr.
I went in and Duke was dark caked on mud.  He looked really happy. I had given everyone in the barn carrots and he was stomping and making lots of sounds.
I went into the brush him and decided to get into the arena quick.  I would walk him and try and get a mile. I ended up getting a mile and I'm happy about it.  We did our exercises near the mount.  He did pretty good. We walked around there was jumps set up and we walked through them. I took quite a few pics and we were busy.  At the end of our walking I had my brushes and brushed him out.


 Serveral times he turned around and turned around again, dug with his hoofs and turning.  I like the way he was working with me.  He was paying attention and he was also only slightly paying attention to other horses.  we worked on walking up to the mount that was placed in the middle on the right side and then walking up with me, standing still, repositioning and then stepping one step forward, getting a small apple, staying still and then I walk to his center and then  I brush him lightly on the nap of his back and then release him.  He did that after walking at a great pace and at one time we ran together near the end. Then I used the remaining apples to get him to run to me at the other end of the arena.  He did wonderful.
Then I put him to bed, in his little jammies and removed his halter, gave him the rest of the apples and locked him up good.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Raychel moved Saturday so and Sunday was our day

After last week I wasn't going to do too much, meaning just exercising is ok with me and Duke.  I went over to the barn at like 1130am.  I was planning to meet with Raychel at her work at around 2:30 to drop off stuff and hang out for 30min.   So I got over to see Duke and decided to do some outside work and some ground work.  He was hanging out in the paddock. I pulled up and parked next to the hay barn.  its the right place to park for me.
I could see that guy in the paddock eating the most delicious hay but it looked as though it was actually already eaten most of it. I brought out my brushes combs and some showsheen for Duke's tail and mane.  He looked amazing actually, his coat is fabulous.  Looking pretty healthy.  I spent lots of time with him in the paddock.  Doc sort of acts like a jerk.  I had a bag of cut up apples but they were for some ground work in the arena.  I brought Duke out and he really liked it.  We walked around a bit and then I brought him in the arena.  Kristen was doing stuff with.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Earlier at the stable, met Krystyn and helped muck stalls

Texted Krystyn to see how Duke was doing thismorning. She said that he looked better.  But she wasn't sure.
She said that things were ok and we would talk when we check him out when I get there.  I drove right over.  Raychel's apt was changesd.