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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Cold Sunny afternoon walk in the fields and arena

Heading out to see Duke.  I knew I wouldn't be riding,  I wanted to spend some time with Duke make sure he was out in this beautiful day that was cold icey but beautiful.  I had my phone full of pictures so I would not be taking too many.  As I drove up, I could see Duke in the paddock.  Hes happy. 

Earlier in the day Laurie had asked if she could meet me at Greenwood this weekend.  I planned on tomorrow at 12 noon.  Today I wanted freedom to come and go when I wanted.  I grabbed my bag of cut up apples that I have been doing lately.  It works training with a sweet boy and apples.
I brought out our brushes and the Showsheen was frozen solid.  Just brushing would be ok.  His tail is really falling apart at the top of it. It makes him not look at good. Hes been rubbing his butt against the stall.  He does it out of nerves being in too long I think.
Muke looking for attention while I was with Duke, he reached over to get some apple while I was there
I spend a lot of time out there brushing underneath, along his legs, tail, face, neck, mane and head hair.  He looked great.  He just grazed on his grass hay.  Happily, he continued to eat and move gently forward into the pile of hay.  Doc was kinda ok, he had backed off a bit as I was working with Duke.  The floor of the paddock was layered with solid ice and crusty snow on top of the grass and soil including the poop. 

The poop with an icy coating and then a thin layer of snow almost looked like a desert.

I went into the arena for a short while to walk to warm Duke up. I know he was happy at the paddock but I wanted to stretch his legs. I feel sorry for the horses that don't get to exercise outside.  I think that the standing in the paddock isn't as good as moving around.  It as cold but seemed to be getting warmer in the sun.  I had a few layers on but didn't have any long johns.  I didn't ever have a hat, just gloves.   As we walked around I could see that Duke wanted to roll so I shut down the arena and put up the boards.  Duke followed me around a bit, knew that I had snacks so he followed me a bit.  He finally after a few times of following me and walking began to act like he was going to roll. I have to make sure I look bored like I'm not getting any treats out of my pocket.  As sooon as I saw that he was forgetting me and started to turn around and then spin back and make that sound.  A huge breath exhaled into the cold air of the arena. Then suddenly he is on the ground rolling.

He warmed up good and then we ventured out into the field by way of the driveway.  He was excited and all of the other horses watched us walk. Id like to get him to be well behaved as we walk.  Not grabbing for grass knowing that he'll get some if he is good.  Well He walked all the way to Bonnies house before getting his small apple piece.  It was good, his pace on the way back is always peppyer and faster much better.  I gave him a couple more pieces and then on the way back Fred came by with his big red truck.
We kept walking back to the barn, then Jess and Kristen came driving by in Jess's car.  They were on their way to do the feeding. I was hoping to keep Duke was out for a long enough time.  It worked out.  The girl how reminds me of Sarah was riding her horse.  I'm not sure what horse it is. Maybe Rebel. She was in the Arena when I got there riding happy.


 In the arena we walked around while he was on the lead line, I had to be more strict with him making sure he continued to walk.  Earlier he was not very disciplined, In the second time in the arena I was making sure that we had gotten the 1mile plus.  This way I can make sure that hes getting his legs stretched. Tomorrow I may have a ride with him before the rain, if I'm lucky.  We moved all over the play and he ran around.

Duke went over to the sliding door while we were working out in the arena and he did that thing he does, he pushed hard on the edges to get out. I was on the other side of the arena and saw that he was pushing in the doorway.  The door slide a bit and I think he could have had the door open if he was there any longer.  Hes like a pushy guy.   I yelled at him and told him to stop, he pulled away a bit.  I was able to take a picture of him as he pulled away.

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