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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Beautiful day until Duke fell hard

Here is Duke eating while I wait for Krystyn to help me figure out why Duke after a nice slow warm up, reared up spooky and then fell on hisright side into a deep icey puddle, quickly pulled himself up.  We stood quietly and he eat.  In 2 seconds after telling Bonnie that I thought something strange happened, Krystyn was by my side.  She examined him immediately and saw that his front fetlock, and knee also ankle was warm.  She told me the plan, get him in his new blanket, give him some Bute and keep him in his stall.  I started to see if we could walk baclk to the stable, we were right niext to the hay barn.   He gave me a sign that he needed a minute.  I stood with I'm for about 5 minutes and then I walked with him back to his stall, Krystyn was there and she had the oats and the Bute was in the bucket. I didn't even realize it she was so fast.  She was giving me the info on what do to with the ice packs that Kristin Mc has that I could use.  It all happened so fast.

I'm going to go over today. Ill add the pics later.

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