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Sunday, February 4, 2018

40+ Sunny in the paddock Tacked and walkin w/Safari in arena

Valerie and Laurie visited today at the end of our ride in the arena. Duke was with Safari and it was really nice I'd like to ride again with them good visit today took was a good boy.
Today is Superbowl Sunday and our Patriots are playing the Eagles.  I'm not terribly engaged but I do hope they win.  They are an excellent team and Tom Brady is a legend.  But back to our day at the barn.  I got there and Krystyn and her cousin was there.  Her cousin was doing the hay in each of the stall while the happy horses were out in the sun, 40+ degrees.  Life is good.  He looked so happy at the line of the fence.  I'm still pretty unhappy with Doc in his paddock.  I talked to him to step out of the way so that I can get Duke.  I think that Duke also hates him.

Anyway Krystyn was in the office. She seemed happy, I asked about Bonnie, she said shes getting a little bit better, she might be driving soon.  I have seen Fred so so many great things for the family. I appreciate those guys a lot.
After I tacked up and was going to get on in the arena.  I need to position Duke a certain way, and then I do give him an apple piece and then I jump on while I am
 I know that Stace doesn't really like them. Jess was in the arena with me for a while and I really liked it.  Duke was doing some walking around warming up.  Duke was just getting his 1mile in.  Just keeping fit.  Hes my little old man. 
When Laurie and Val got to the barn, they were all over Duke, touching him, loving him.  He was totally into the attendtion he was getting.  It was nice. I guess I was thinking that I had worked and tacked up Duke I wish they didn't come today. 
Back to the story.  We came in and I used the cross ties, I put him on and grabbed the saddle and pad.  Its nice to have Duke feeling good. I didn't want to put on his bridle, I like just not having it on in the arena.  He doesn't need to have a bit when we are just hanging out.  Still its just us in the barn.  I can just talk to Duke as we get tacked up.  When the hay is in the aisles and Duke is cross ties he tries to get the snacking in. I love the goats being next to Duke. I give them some peanut butter crackers and they snack em up quick.  The time iwht Duke today in the arena was pretty good but it was really nice to have Safari in with us.  Duke was happy to ride on the outside.  Safari in the inside.  Duke pepped up and he rode along. Safari started to pay attention to Duke and wanted to hang out and get attention too. I didn't take any pictures of him but I did enjoy him.  I would like to go out soon with Safari in the field.  I went along a few more times and then jumped off so that I could talk to Val and Laurie.  I jumped down. and got to take Duke down to his stall. I think htat having someone visit makes it harder for me to enjoy myself.  Whats happening here, I don't like my time with Duke being any less than what I have planned in my head for the day.  My quality time in the field or anyplace is so valuable.

I was talking to Laurie about how Duke's age might be less than I had thought or what I was told.  Hes a lot older. Dave thinks hes about 24, this might be a few less years than I thought.  Ultimately this may be that we have less time together.  This makes my heart ache but also makes me realize that every day is a gift.  The death of Winston made me understand just how hard it is to let go of a sweet friend when the story has an ending.  Although the gift of love is an amazing and strong.  I'm so pleased even when I have a hard time. I have to many goals.  I will make a post of the different things that we want to do together.

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