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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Waiting at the barn 🐴 dewormer & tick drip

Only pic from today. I was with the guys waiting, the other row on the left were looking out their windows as Manny walked with Kristin across the field to the treses.  They knew, Im almost positive that Duke smelt the air and smelt death as he went over to the window for some strange moment while I was in with him.  In my head I imagined the long walk through the thick grass, slowly with her horse and before the sitting with him and grazing, taking time to watch listen make contact.

It was a scene as she stayed with him eating grass out front that I will never forget. I kept busy with the stalls in the barn. Also there was a young girl who was getting Skye ready to ride in the arena.  As I was cleaning out the 5th stall she asked me for help with Skye, she wanted to know if she was "off" in her steps as she lounged. I just dont now and I had to tell her.  She decided not to ride. I dont htink she knew that they were saying goodbye to Manny.Well there were so many signs of the day.  Kristins husband came after a while to be with her as they went ovr to the trees to meet Kerry. When I pulled into the barn, Kerry was pulling in too. I was not talkative and went ot work with the cleaning stalls.  Krystyn said that she was early and it caught them all of guard, was Kristin really ready to go with over.  I dont think anyone ever would be ready.  Kerry had told  her that Manny was not good to go to the end of summer.

Well I felt part of the whole world.  Understanding what its like to lose a best friend.  Duke is my best friend too. What if this was Duke.  How would I be under this pressure.
I think Id want to be brave and strong but instead I am senstive and kind.

Having Krystyn and Bonnie helping her along this horrible day was a good thing.
I think I did a good job helping, while I saw them over at the tree, it was beautiful <3
Having Manny have all morning with the goats as they walked around the barn playing sounded like a nice day for him.  Then spending time with your horse is so important. I think that she was getting sto the point that she didnt want to see him any more.  Or was sad when she was with him.  What was he thinking, in pain and lonely. I worried myself. I didnt understand how injured he was now. I actually was kinda shocked with him doing anything last year.  How could it be really.  Poor boy.
Well the Vet and the family had the backhoe over behind the house ready to move over.  Kerry was over under the tree with Bonnie. They said that Kristin layed down with him as he died.  I would weep so hard.  Having a controlled death instead of the terrible accident with a painful leg hanging off and waiting for hours for a vet was extremely frightening.
I did a good job helping.  Duke got his Tick drip and his dewormer too.  He liked the dewormer because it tasted like green apple.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Back in the Saddle Riding again

Thought I would go over in the morning instead of the afternoon because it was suppose to not rain.
  • Manny's last night card for Kristin, When I got to the barn it looked like Bonnie and Krystyn had finished one side of the stalls.  They were a little solunm.  They had a card and let me know that Manny was in too much pain and Kristin was going to have the vet, Kerrie come down on Sunday to make sure he's out of his pain.   They were both sitting.  After a while I asked her how they do it.  I was so impressed at how sweetly they described their ceremony to his passing.  I asked point blank how do you do this.  They said that they will let the horse and the owner walk across the field to the trees behind the house.  The two will walk across the field taking their time and having their good byes and then meet at the back of the farm house where the Vet will settle things down and start the process to put him to sleep.  I cried a bit and saw that htey had gone through this before.  Krystyn said so many times.  Shes only 24 but has wisdom and maturity of a woman of much experience in lift.   Anyway I creid, later I went up to him talked.  As we were going to take the horses in, we were over by with Kensi and she was jumping around.  We looked over and Krystyn said that Manny was trying to hurt himself on purpose as he ran with Gaylane crashing into the fence.  It make Krystyn cringe with worry.  I felt the sadness of the moment.  He was grumpy with his friends and the pain was getting to him.  Anyway as I brought in horses I brought in Duke, Doc, Thistle and Kenzi.  That was pretty good for me.  Krystyn was bring in two at a time.  When she got the mares adn they reared up crazy in her arms.  It was frightening, she handles them with skill.   Then I had Kenzi and she reared up spoke to me in a trobuled tone possibly knowing what was happening with Manny.  There was no sign of Kristin today.
  • Helping Bonnie and Krystyn with stalls, horses when it rained. As Bonnie and Krystyn rested after the first batch of stalls, I said Id help and started with Dukes I shovel his stall I try and do a good job combing through the shavings and hay to find the poop and dirty debris. I did Duke, Sienna, Townes and then I shoveled them into the cart as Krystyn shoveded it into the hill in the back.  It was fun.
  • When I drove up the Greenwood road I saw the Bonnie walking out with the goats to the grass in the field.  They jumped about like crazy so cute as she walked.  Also they were so adorable riding in the Mule as Krystyn brought the stall waste into the back. Goats were such fun as we worked.
  • Spa day for Duke, he tail, his coat his everything, after a while it was till nice out and I decided to bring Duke into his stall and start working on him.  I had a bunch of grapes for him and I was hsaring them with the goats.  I found my curry comb and was able to get him basically clean.  I treated his tail with some conditioning lotions I had and used the clean spray.  He was good for a while.  Krystyn put in some hay slides and he ate while I helped him get beautiufl.  I was able to pick his feet awith not too much trouble but at one point he kinda pinned me against the wall. I was unhappy with him and punished him for that.  I need to make srue I stay safe.
  • After he was cleaned up and brushed out beautufully I got his old pad and the roper saddle.  I put on the pad and helped get the rest of the horses in because it has started to rain hard and Krystyn thought ti would be good to bring them in now they had been out for the moring and part of the afternoon.  I then got the Big western saddle cleaned up and placed comfortably on Duke.  I tacked him in the stall.  I like to be with him and talk to him privately in the stall Its like our room.   I got on his halter on and he was thinking that it looked like a fun time to put the halter on and got walkin toward the arena.  He walked along with me. I think he wanted to roll but he was dressed up with the wonderful saddle and ready to go. I prayed in my head that it would be a successful mount and ride.   
  • Give a little Take a little -- That is the best motto for us,   Duke was great in teh arena which I know he doesnt like. I was able to mount him in the corner 2 times.  He walked around with im to warm him up.  I had had all of his tack and he also was warmed up, I put an apple on the shelf with my water in front of it. I had some snacks in my pocket and I was rewarding him.  I started to use the patting on the neck in place of snacks. I notiece that if I speak he will stop for a snack I had to give him a nudge to remind him that he gets snacks when I say.  He did good and we walked around. I had to get off and go get my helmet because the first mount I forget it.  I was so sad that i may not get back on correctly. Im still using snack aids to coach him. We went around a few times and he was completely withuot a bit.  Im always so proud of him and how he has great manners and was successful mounting.  He was the perfect horse and he had lots of exercise.  So proud. I rememberd the Give a Little Get a Little, plan and then I had him go over to the stairs and i jumpoed off and got his apple.  He was very happy. I led him into the barn and untacked him on the opposite side of barn put away the saddle, pad and brought him out into the pouring rain to enjoy the delicous grass.  
  • I finished the work out and chores and gave everyone snacks in both ailes.   


In the Arena

Tessa ridin Duke

Tessa had to reschedule her lessons because Krystyn hurt her back.  They were so disappointed. I met them after work and we had a nice session Thursday night, it was so pretty on Thursday we brushed out Duke and we got him all tacked up.  We decided since the horses are in we can ride out in the mares paddock.  Tess was great.  Amy was excited we were riding outside and took some sweet pictures of Tess on Duke.  I worked to teach her words about horsemanship that can help her.  At first I was worried that Krystyn might be mad that I was going over. I told her it was up to her and that I will not be doning any teaching just getting her accostomed to sitting in the saddle. She really acted advanced with her stirrups and her form in the saddle. I called her a cowgirl and told her that she really helped me clean up the roper saddle.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Kristens Birthday - Mothers Day

After a great mothers day, Ashley and Joe came over for the day and we had lots of fun, they brought beers, took me to get potted flowers for the yard, and even took us for Ice Cream at Griggs. We had a nice day I made food but they were eating at the Cheataeu with Ashelys family at 5pm.  They stayed most of day.  Rob got home later and we ate together with Raychel after work too.  Hamburgers, veggie burgers and salad with beans. It was a great dinner.  Raychel left and then I asked if Rob would come with me to exercise Duke.  It as memorable ride as we passed Midnight Moon farm next to Parlee and there was a herd of deer and then when we pulled into to Greenwood, the deer about 7 were grazing at the very edge of the road.  They were next to me as I drove, amazing moment.  Kinda weird when I got there the doors and lights were on and when I pulled up the doors closed and the lights went off. I called Bonnie well texted. It seemed the Krystyns brother Dana was in the barn with a friend. Ididnt feel comfortable so Krystyn came out in the car, she made sure everything was ok.

Midnight Moon Farm with Lily and Safari

 Lily and Safari before the show


Safari waiting while Lily rides

Inside the arena at Midnight Moon


Friday, May 4, 2018

Jack Tess and Amy visit Duke and Greenwood

Went to Ohio in April and I was talking to Our neighbor across the street She was commenting to me about how there are no places like Ohio around here and she missed it. I mentioned that Greenwood had tons of animals and land too.  I invited her to come see the goats and Duke.  Well it wasn't long before she said how about this weekend and Imentioned Sunday.  She was actually there before I event said I was going over.  She was sitting with Bonnie and Krystyn while the kids were with the goats being adorable.  It was a great visit.  Amy wants to have some lessons and lease a goat for 4H show.  Its a pretty cool visit. Bonnie and Krystyn like her and the kids too.

New Saddle last few weeks

Got the McClellen Saddle from a lady on Facebook Carmella Royale.  She met me at Ayer with Raychel.  It was in ok shape. I got soem help from Krystyn and even Scott, Gaelens owner jumped in to help put the strap on for the girth.  They are not exactly western types.  Duke was watching from inside his stall. After they left that morning I strapped it on Duke for a walk down the road.  Hes a good boy.  Love his new halter too.  <e

Just a hot summer night in May

I was excited to go over and see Duke drop off the board check.  As I was driving in I texted Bonnie if she wanted me to drop off the check at the house.  Well luckily she said yes and met me at the door with Krystyn holding a sweet little chick.  I stepped up the stairs as the black older dog was barking for attention.  Bonnie wanted to know if I wanted to see the rest of the chickens baby chicks.  It was os sweet Bonnie had them in the living room with a warm light on them.  The dark ones with the light colored on the sides are the friendliest and I help one little one.  So warm, soft and sweet. I used my finger to lightly pet the sweet little chick.  I was very happy:).  Kristin McMahon was driving by and Krystyn flagged her over too to see the little ones.  I was talking to Bonnie she is really a sweet lady.  Krystyn said that she is having Lily show on Sunday at Midnight Moon Farm at 10am.  She said that Safari will compete and then Jess will compete with sweet little Lily.  I know it will be very nice. 
Jess is a great kid.
Double Barrel Kicks on the start of our walk on theroad and then I put him back in the outside paddock.  We walked around and it was crazy fun.  I ran along withhim as he celebrated getting out of his stall and being out in the breezes.  I was so happy too.

Anyway Duke was in his tsall dirty but happy. I didn't even see how badly he was covered with mud.  As I was walking out Stacie was cantering in with Townes.  She doesn't look to  nice at her size on such a small horse making it run.  She most likely made him laime. Poor horse.
Anyway as I am walking out with Duke hes looking all of the place. He has that wild way he gets sometime with the windy days.  He's looking behind him hes looking all around.  His mane is flying all over the place. It was exciting but I know that its the way he is when he snickers when we are about to walk. He scans the horizon and then he makes the coolest sound.  It reminds me of him getting fierce in the way hes going to kick someone asses.
Well I knew that he might get out of control so I walked back to the barn and then opened the gate to the paddock. He rolled right away.  Today whe he went to roll,  he had a hard time getting down. I saw him fold his front feet perfectly.   Then he was struggling with his back end. Also he couldn't get the other side rolled.  He left such an amazing amount of fur on the ground. 

 In the outside ring he  and in he went. he went crazy, like paced back and for the length of the large paddock and did about 5 double barrel kicks.  I was amazed.  He was something special. I felt a little scared.  I let him go crazy while I called, whistled and also made the kiss sound. I ended up giving him a few snacks and finally his apple.  He was amazing. I took him over to the grass.
 Duke was so itchy he was scratching at the bar on the arena.

I had to hold him back and keep him under control.  HE loved the grass grazing.  He did good then we walked and ran around in the arena.  It was the best visit.  <3  He was itchy and also I thought he was going to roll again but he was toally interested in snacks. He was tryin to actually walk on the outside of me instead of the inside. Also I worked with his stretching. I need to keep doing that with him.
Saturday was a great day too. I went over early and did stalls with Krystyn and Bonnie. I know they were going to work on getting the horses ready.  I shoveled while Duke was outside enjoying the amazing weather, The breeze blowing through his hair.
Sunday I went over to the show at Midnigght Moon farm behind the Parlee Farm.  It was kind of awkward how they did the show where no one can really see the course or anyone in it.  But the groups were so interesting. I helped by getting Safaris extra bridle having Duke's cooler because the horses and people were soaked waiting around in the pouring rain. When if finally ended I ran back to be with Duke.  We walked our walk, hung out running around in the outdoor paddock and then we went into the arena.  It was truly FUN.
Pictures from the show.