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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Waiting at the barn 🐴 dewormer & tick drip

Only pic from today. I was with the guys waiting, the other row on the left were looking out their windows as Manny walked with Kristin across the field to the treses.  They knew, Im almost positive that Duke smelt the air and smelt death as he went over to the window for some strange moment while I was in with him.  In my head I imagined the long walk through the thick grass, slowly with her horse and before the sitting with him and grazing, taking time to watch listen make contact.

It was a scene as she stayed with him eating grass out front that I will never forget. I kept busy with the stalls in the barn. Also there was a young girl who was getting Skye ready to ride in the arena.  As I was cleaning out the 5th stall she asked me for help with Skye, she wanted to know if she was "off" in her steps as she lounged. I just dont now and I had to tell her.  She decided not to ride. I dont htink she knew that they were saying goodbye to Manny.Well there were so many signs of the day.  Kristins husband came after a while to be with her as they went ovr to the trees to meet Kerry. When I pulled into the barn, Kerry was pulling in too. I was not talkative and went ot work with the cleaning stalls.  Krystyn said that she was early and it caught them all of guard, was Kristin really ready to go with over.  I dont think anyone ever would be ready.  Kerry had told  her that Manny was not good to go to the end of summer.

Well I felt part of the whole world.  Understanding what its like to lose a best friend.  Duke is my best friend too. What if this was Duke.  How would I be under this pressure.
I think Id want to be brave and strong but instead I am senstive and kind.

Having Krystyn and Bonnie helping her along this horrible day was a good thing.
I think I did a good job helping, while I saw them over at the tree, it was beautiful <3
Having Manny have all morning with the goats as they walked around the barn playing sounded like a nice day for him.  Then spending time with your horse is so important. I think that she was getting sto the point that she didnt want to see him any more.  Or was sad when she was with him.  What was he thinking, in pain and lonely. I worried myself. I didnt understand how injured he was now. I actually was kinda shocked with him doing anything last year.  How could it be really.  Poor boy.
Well the Vet and the family had the backhoe over behind the house ready to move over.  Kerry was over under the tree with Bonnie. They said that Kristin layed down with him as he died.  I would weep so hard.  Having a controlled death instead of the terrible accident with a painful leg hanging off and waiting for hours for a vet was extremely frightening.
I did a good job helping.  Duke got his Tick drip and his dewormer too.  He liked the dewormer because it tasted like green apple.

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