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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Back in the Saddle Riding again

Thought I would go over in the morning instead of the afternoon because it was suppose to not rain.
  • Manny's last night card for Kristin, When I got to the barn it looked like Bonnie and Krystyn had finished one side of the stalls.  They were a little solunm.  They had a card and let me know that Manny was in too much pain and Kristin was going to have the vet, Kerrie come down on Sunday to make sure he's out of his pain.   They were both sitting.  After a while I asked her how they do it.  I was so impressed at how sweetly they described their ceremony to his passing.  I asked point blank how do you do this.  They said that they will let the horse and the owner walk across the field to the trees behind the house.  The two will walk across the field taking their time and having their good byes and then meet at the back of the farm house where the Vet will settle things down and start the process to put him to sleep.  I cried a bit and saw that htey had gone through this before.  Krystyn said so many times.  Shes only 24 but has wisdom and maturity of a woman of much experience in lift.   Anyway I creid, later I went up to him talked.  As we were going to take the horses in, we were over by with Kensi and she was jumping around.  We looked over and Krystyn said that Manny was trying to hurt himself on purpose as he ran with Gaylane crashing into the fence.  It make Krystyn cringe with worry.  I felt the sadness of the moment.  He was grumpy with his friends and the pain was getting to him.  Anyway as I brought in horses I brought in Duke, Doc, Thistle and Kenzi.  That was pretty good for me.  Krystyn was bring in two at a time.  When she got the mares adn they reared up crazy in her arms.  It was frightening, she handles them with skill.   Then I had Kenzi and she reared up spoke to me in a trobuled tone possibly knowing what was happening with Manny.  There was no sign of Kristin today.
  • Helping Bonnie and Krystyn with stalls, horses when it rained. As Bonnie and Krystyn rested after the first batch of stalls, I said Id help and started with Dukes I shovel his stall I try and do a good job combing through the shavings and hay to find the poop and dirty debris. I did Duke, Sienna, Townes and then I shoveled them into the cart as Krystyn shoveded it into the hill in the back.  It was fun.
  • When I drove up the Greenwood road I saw the Bonnie walking out with the goats to the grass in the field.  They jumped about like crazy so cute as she walked.  Also they were so adorable riding in the Mule as Krystyn brought the stall waste into the back. Goats were such fun as we worked.
  • Spa day for Duke, he tail, his coat his everything, after a while it was till nice out and I decided to bring Duke into his stall and start working on him.  I had a bunch of grapes for him and I was hsaring them with the goats.  I found my curry comb and was able to get him basically clean.  I treated his tail with some conditioning lotions I had and used the clean spray.  He was good for a while.  Krystyn put in some hay slides and he ate while I helped him get beautiufl.  I was able to pick his feet awith not too much trouble but at one point he kinda pinned me against the wall. I was unhappy with him and punished him for that.  I need to make srue I stay safe.
  • After he was cleaned up and brushed out beautufully I got his old pad and the roper saddle.  I put on the pad and helped get the rest of the horses in because it has started to rain hard and Krystyn thought ti would be good to bring them in now they had been out for the moring and part of the afternoon.  I then got the Big western saddle cleaned up and placed comfortably on Duke.  I tacked him in the stall.  I like to be with him and talk to him privately in the stall Its like our room.   I got on his halter on and he was thinking that it looked like a fun time to put the halter on and got walkin toward the arena.  He walked along with me. I think he wanted to roll but he was dressed up with the wonderful saddle and ready to go. I prayed in my head that it would be a successful mount and ride.   
  • Give a little Take a little -- That is the best motto for us,   Duke was great in teh arena which I know he doesnt like. I was able to mount him in the corner 2 times.  He walked around with im to warm him up.  I had had all of his tack and he also was warmed up, I put an apple on the shelf with my water in front of it. I had some snacks in my pocket and I was rewarding him.  I started to use the patting on the neck in place of snacks. I notiece that if I speak he will stop for a snack I had to give him a nudge to remind him that he gets snacks when I say.  He did good and we walked around. I had to get off and go get my helmet because the first mount I forget it.  I was so sad that i may not get back on correctly. Im still using snack aids to coach him. We went around a few times and he was completely withuot a bit.  Im always so proud of him and how he has great manners and was successful mounting.  He was the perfect horse and he had lots of exercise.  So proud. I rememberd the Give a Little Get a Little, plan and then I had him go over to the stairs and i jumpoed off and got his apple.  He was very happy. I led him into the barn and untacked him on the opposite side of barn put away the saddle, pad and brought him out into the pouring rain to enjoy the delicous grass.  
  • I finished the work out and chores and gave everyone snacks in both ailes.   


In the Arena

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