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Friday, May 18, 2018

Kristens Birthday - Mothers Day

After a great mothers day, Ashley and Joe came over for the day and we had lots of fun, they brought beers, took me to get potted flowers for the yard, and even took us for Ice Cream at Griggs. We had a nice day I made food but they were eating at the Cheataeu with Ashelys family at 5pm.  They stayed most of day.  Rob got home later and we ate together with Raychel after work too.  Hamburgers, veggie burgers and salad with beans. It was a great dinner.  Raychel left and then I asked if Rob would come with me to exercise Duke.  It as memorable ride as we passed Midnight Moon farm next to Parlee and there was a herd of deer and then when we pulled into to Greenwood, the deer about 7 were grazing at the very edge of the road.  They were next to me as I drove, amazing moment.  Kinda weird when I got there the doors and lights were on and when I pulled up the doors closed and the lights went off. I called Bonnie well texted. It seemed the Krystyns brother Dana was in the barn with a friend. Ididnt feel comfortable so Krystyn came out in the car, she made sure everything was ok.

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