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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Equine Affaire Vets Day Weekend

Saturday was at the Equine Affaire, I miss him so much when I'm around other horses.  hes so amazin. He was lookin grighst at me as I walked from my car across the barn to the doorway.  Patti had Sienna and Townes in already.  She missed Equine Affaire because her dog got really sick and had to go to the hospital.  Patti had swept the ailse so clean it looked great. She is so good with her sweet Sienna who in front of Patti showed me some real love. It was a nice thing.
Anyway I washed his tail with the medicated shampoo, tail and mane then I brushed him out rinsed him with clean warm water. I was worried that he was going to get chilly. He didn't and he was in the cross ties.  Patti showed him love as I continued to brush and attend to his poor tail. I want get him all back to healed and normal.
Our walk was really wonderful  His tail was drying and we usually do our walk and then I make him walk some more in the arena.  This was a bit different than usual because we went down for our walk and got to Bonnies House and Bonnie came around the corner in her car, pulled over got out and went to the back of her car and got some gingersnap cookies and fed Duke on the side of the road.  She really gives to everyone a truly wonderful woman. I talked for a moment let her know how I appreciated her. I think that when I told her that I had spoken to Liv about possibly renting out the arena each week, she was very appreciative of me helping to get some extra business in the weekly arena rental.  She was happy and I think that Krystyn was happy too. Its good to have a relationshop with good people that are going to help the grow some funding through the winter. Anyway I would love to have her at Greenwood working out Tarzan and Cleo.  Bonnie said that any weekend morning the arena isn't used so it would be a good time and then she also mentioned that Monday night is the slowest at the barn. Ill let Liv know so that they can see if it works for the Gypsy team. <3
I enjoyed my time today.  The paddock was so muddy when I got Duke.  Doc was a bit better behaved and I was totally covered with mud because all I had to do was open the paddock gate and Duke's first step out he was excited to get out and to also eat some grass. I was happy not to have .  Kayla was telling Scotti as she was walking around doing her chores to feed the horses how she had a broken finger.  She also mentioned how her husband was not feeling well. I was

Liv working out Tarzan before his entrance into coliseum

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