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Friday, November 2, 2018

Last weekend GW

Sunday Night with Duke 9pm playing in the ring together.  Duke has been doing a workout with me by doing a circle, lines back and forth in the center and also an "X" with a loop at the top. I'm interested to use cones and having more patterns to walk.  Also I would like to do the patterns in the arena to keep Duke thinking while we walk and then see if I can get him to know the patterns and then to see if I can ride him more with the same patterns.I love to be at the barn with out another person but the barn for of the sweet souls that are the Greenwood Herd.  They are all settls at night and they watch as I turn on the lights and also walk by sometimes I am able to give each a cookie or a carrot.  I basically use my ailse to make sure all of Duke's friends get a midnight snack.

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