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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Friday workout, Saturday afternoon session and then Sunday

Friday Night
Needed to check on that guy later in the night on Friday. He needed his meds the other night last night I just felt for him being in for a coupel of days with this terrible rain all of the time.  I went ovr at around 8pm. I was able to get to him, spray his butt with fung-off and take him into the arena. Its spooky there late night but it was about 65 degrees out.  Very dark just me.  The doors closed. When I pulled up the window wasn't closed all of the way so I could hear Duke speaking to me a Nicker as I was getting out of the car.  He was happy to seem me. I had some cookies and 2 apples. The other horses seemed like they were jealous. As I brush out Duke a little before we walk out together into the arena.  I love how Duke will hold his head just perfectly to place it into the halter as I hold it up. Shows here really looking ot stretch his legs. I want to get a mile on him when I am not riding and only walking. We walked for a while and then we played the fun cookie running game. He was really playful. I love it.  He is well behaved lately, knowing that he has to walk with me before he can act crazy.  He rolled but this time he didn't dig up huge holes. Its like he didn't even dig this time. Very happy. The lighting is pretty good, I think they fixed one of the lamps. I get in and turned on the lights in the aisles and then walked down to the arena and turned on those lights.  Its truly spooky. I was thinking everytime I am there its like a Stephen King Movie. Walking into a totally dark barn, the horses know whats going on and I am just getting there so its dark, scary too.
Saturday Afternoon

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