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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Quick visit to Greenwood to see Duke, blanket, walk, do his hoofs and hang out

At 7pm I was thinking it was pretty early in the year for the temps to be dipping down to 25 and below. Did Duke need a blanket?  It this the right one?  I missed him too. I started to think that maybe I should start getting up early and going over to see him before work. What about that.getting up and going over toe Greenwood before work. Could I pull that off?  How much sleep do I really need? I used to stay up so much. So many hours.  I could try to get Rookie his shot and then get dressed head over to Chelmsford, do his tail, hand out and then head over to work. Could I do this?  Just a thought, lets try it out later this winter.
Anyway, I got there put on Duke's halter and lead line after he had a juicy cold apple. I gave Lily one too.  We went into the cross ties and I gave him the once over. I had the arena lights on and I snagged a moist yumymy snack.

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