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Monday, May 6, 2019

Starting training again both of us, love to play together

Saturday & 

Still beaming from our lesson with Krystyn on Sunday. This guy has my heart ♞♡

Over the winter I had been sharing with Bonnie and Krystyn about how much energy Duke had when we went for walks and how hes been so excited in the Arena when we had been doing so great with his ground work. His ground work became work outs with Wild child. Was he sick, was he mad at me for not running with him anymore?  Did his back hurt?  Why was he always communicating in a wild way when we did our warm ups?  Hes not a young horse but was always full of energy for the past year its been growing Rearing bucking. who is he?  He never did anything like that at Bobbys.
This weekend he got his dewormer, tail treatment, hoof treatment, brushed top to bottom, especially on Saturday we were on the cross ties and he was top to bottom.  On Sunday.

Bonnie always said its because hes feeling better. I wanted to think that, but was it impossible, how could he be feeling better?  So last week I was warming him up in the arena and we are walking and he starts to jump, rear and buck as I walked. I didnt think it was a good idea.  He was getting into my space a little too much and he reared up high. So I unhooked him and walked out of arena so he could freely run around, buck and rear.

Last week,  Fred was watching as we were warming up in the arena walking a steady pace. I got out of the way so Duke who had just become unruly, could jump and spin around from one side of the arena to the other filled with energy.  Then he kcpt going, bucking and letting some farts into the air. He ran around the corners just bounding with energy.

Just loving the feeling of freedom. I was so proud.  But then I was confused a a little scared too.
Then this Saturday he did it again after I finished my 2 stalls that Bonnie left me.  He was so wild that I stopped my ground work warm up that I thought he needed and then talked to Krystyn,  I asked he if she thought he was ok doing all of the acrobatics.  She and Bonnie said yes this is a wonderful sign. I said I thought he might be a little bit fresh and I wanted to make sure he was safer  and respectful too with me and not understanding that he could hurt me.  I asked if she would teach me to to lunge. She said yes she would. I asked about the next day. Even though I knew we were going to be working with Joe and Ashley to get ready for the baby, Valerie.

Well Sunday came and I was so excited to get over there and meet Krystyn. Bonnie gave me the best Grandmother's card and a bag full of wonderful gifts for Valerie. Then she went over to house and Krystyn met me in the arena as I brought Duke in.  She got the switch,  she went over with the lung line and connected. She started the process he picked up right way. listening to her and actually impressing her with his listening skills. She went a few times and exerciesed him nicely. I said that hes been using the whole arena to run around and that his actions and energy seem to be bigger. I tried the lunging and I was ok at it.  I kept walking in front of his front leg and that was the cue for him to stop the lunge. She kept the working with him.  After we talked about lunging she said he'd be better maybe if we tried open lunging. Well she opened it up and he was so perfect. He did things I had never heard,  She called over Kristen and then June came in too. Everyone watched as my big boy ran and listened. I love how he looked at me.

I have such a wonderful friend with him. I have never had such a great love.  His looks at me reassured me that he was very happy.  Krystyn said she wants to make sure that I can lung because the bond with us is so strong that we'll do good.
She was impressed with how he had changed direction on cue, stopped on cue used the whole arena moving as she commanded to him.  He was loving it as he clipped the edges of the areas where June and Krysten were watching.  I was so proud.  He has made my heart full of love and appreciation for his dedication.

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